The Olympics

These are the stories that make the Olympics interesting.

Unofficial reports have stated that Ireland’s Denis Lynch has withdrawn from competition in the Equestrian Individual Jumping Competition on Thursday along with three other competitors.

At this point it is unknown why Lynch has withdrawn with no official statement having been made by the IOC or Ireland’s Equestrian team.

In the build up to the event, there had been worries about driving rain and organisers insist that the finals of the event will take place despite the impending arrival of Typhoon Nuri.

The Hong Kong Observatory has raised their threat warning to level three which predicts gusts of up to 110 kilometres and hour.

Lynch was considered to be a real contender for a medal; he and his mount Latinus having qualified with just six faults from their qualifying rounds.

If he’s pulled out because of bad weather he’s a fool.

Maybe he’s got a really nice hairstyle and doesnt want it ruined? Have a heart.

Ah, this is crap. Is the weiner protecting his horse from the storm or something? I was hoping for another scandal following on from O’Connor and Smith.

USA retained the Womens Volleyball title in the pishing rain, beach volleyball in the rain, could there be anything more beautiful…

Some drug found in the blood of Denis Lynch’s Horse. Disqualified.

A substance has been found in Latinus, a Class A Drug.

This has been confirmed as a positive doping. A hearing has already been scheduled.

Just announced that the horse failed a drug test!! fucking idiots…

Pain relief drug for Arthritis.

Ah for god’s sake. A nation of fucking horse-dopers.

Hang on a second now. Let’s not rush to blame Lynch and O’Connor. Has anybody spoken to the horses themselves yet? Let’s not assume they’re total innocents in all this.

Exactly Bandage, what sort of name is Latinus for a horse anyway? Sounds like some sort of druggie freak from the 70’s.

Reporting that the drug is a class A drug but is used for pain medication, its a cream allegedly.

3 other horses have tested positive too.

Has the press conference been shown anywhere? There must be something up for 4 of them to test positive. RTE are still showing the walking.

The horse has been advised to keep quite at the minute…a media ban has been imposed…A spokesman for Irish Showjumping has said “Lantinus is unavailable for comment”

Reports are also surfacing that the gutter press have been hasseling Waterford Crystal whilst trying to get an opinion on the whole charade from this previously disgraced horse.

It has been clarified by Det. Inspector Byrne that this incident is totally unrelated to the disappearance of Lana Dowling and Leo Dowling is not an official suspect at the minute.

How idiotic can you be to take a risk with a horse at the Olympics. These sound like minor enough offences but they’re still against the rules and it can’t have escaped anyone’s attention that they test horses at the Olympics. That’s three high profile doping offences in Irish equestrian in the last 4 years. They should have their funding taken away.

Its getting more sinister. Big cuddly Des is saying on RT that this drug pains the horse, giving the reaction of the horse ensuring its legs stay high when jumping fences as their legs are more sensitive to knocks and bangs.

The other horses were substitute horses, hence why Lynch is the only competitor of the 35 not still in.

If this is the case then it’s a national disgrace.

How stupid could they have been to let this happen? There seems to be a lot of in-fighting amongst irish show jumping and there could be a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Do you mean Equestrian Ireland as a body should have their funding removed? What way does it work? Does the Sports Council demand that the respective bodies over each sport have a stringent policy to prevent doping or what? Other innocent Irish riders would obviously be punished if they lost out on funding but is it the cheaters themselves that should take the hit or Equestrian Ireland as a whole?


Fuck yer disgust over a failed drug test. And yere “latinus is in hiding” type cheap shot is at best offensive; at worse? Probably perverse.
(and that is saying something about a forum that only rates contributions that have the word cunt in them)

Arthritis; lads. Cop yerselves on. That poor animal shouldn’t be further from his owners front yard; shove yer indignation and jibes up your holes.