The Olympics

Anyone care to translate that shite into English for me?

Capcisin is the stuff in question. A naturally occuring chemical in Chillies-makes em hot.

Think MGG had a stallion backed into her on occasion.

Surely you mean bestdumpcuntlish of the localised cuntography dialect?
Iā€™ll do my best.

If that horse has arthritis, why was he in Bejing?

Thats the point, the horse doesnt have arthritis, it was being prescribed a drug to improve performance. One that makes its shins burn and causes any rap it gets to hurt hugely. Hence it would feel the burning and keep its legs up higher.

This is what is being reported.

That horse has no more arthritis than a new born.

Itā€™s time for Denis Lynch to get down off his high horse. Boom Boom.

Seriously though, giving an animal a drug that will cause it to be in serious pain is very very wrong. Were to other horses that tested positive all caught for the same drug?

[quote=ā€œmyboyblueā€]Thats the point, the horse doesnt have arthritis, it was being prescribed a drug to improve performance. One that makes its shins burn and causes any rap it gets to hurt hugely. Hence it would feel the burning and keep its legs up higher.

This is what is being reported.

That horse has no more arthritis than a new born.[/quote]

But its still animal cruelty right?
making his legs burn without his approval I mean.

Should I have shoved a few ā€œcuntsā€ in there or have you got my point?

Anyway to move on. Does this mean that Show Jumping Ireland is in fact a trading name for The Society of Cruelty to Animals? SCA for short. (and the C is not for Cunt btw)

Poor horseā€¦heā€™ll go from the dizzy heights of free luxurious accomadation in Bejing to a fridge freezer in Burger Kingā€¦

[quote=ā€œMairegangaireā€]But its still animal cruelty right?
making his legs burn without his approval I mean.

Should I have shoved a few ā€œcuntsā€ in there or have you got my point?

Anyway to move on. Does this mean that Show Jumping Ireland is in fact a trading name for The Society of Cruelty to Animals? SCA for short. (and the C is not for Cunt btw)[/quote]

Of course its animal cruelty, but it doesnt have arthritis. Jaysus you went off and done one there, as usual I guess.

Your obsession with the word ā€œcuntā€ is a little odd but totally in keeping with all your posts, odd.

The Sports Councilā€™s grants to individuals is dictated by an anti-drugs ethos so the individuals involved shouldnā€™t benefit from any grants.

I think this is showing signs of becoming a systemic problem in Irish equestrian though with Oā€™Connor, Kuerten and now Lynch all guilty in recent years. The sport clearly needs cleaning-up (it always did - what a ridiculous amount of fights they have among themselves) and the best way to reform anything is to hold off on funding.

Thereā€™s some weird relationship with the government though and the funding isnā€™t all directly from the Irish Sports Council and itā€™s not part of the usual grant allocations. Donā€™t know why that is but Iā€™d imagine itā€™s to look after some vested interests somewhere.

[quote=ā€œMairegangaireā€]But its still animal cruelty right?
making his legs burn without his approval I mean.

Should I have shoved a few ā€œcuntsā€ in there or have you got my point?

Anyway to move on. Does this mean that Show Jumping Ireland is in fact a trading name for The Society of Cruelty to Animals? SCA for short. (and the C is not for Cunt btw)[/quote]

Why do you think anyone here is condoning animal cruelty?

[quote=ā€œmyboyblueā€]Of course its animal cruelty, but it doesnt have arthritis. Jaysus you went off and done one there, as usual I guess.

Your obsession with the word ā€œcuntā€ is a little odd but totally in keeping with you, odd.[/quote]

Ah boo boo
You donā€™t even know me, people usually have to sleep with me to reach that conclusion.

The use of a the C word is a homage to the users here. Youā€™d think theyā€™d show more gratitude.


But still ye chose to lob some cheap tabloid lines in ahead of my rant.

Enough for me.

[quote=ā€œMairegangaireā€]But still ye chose to lob some cheap tabloid lines in ahead of my rant.

Enough for me.[/quote]

Your weird.

Anybody see Alister Craigs interview he gave his heat yesterday. Assuming he wouldnā€™t be qualifying for the final he had a cut off the likes of Eamonn Coughlan, My Boy Blue etcā€¦

Interview from RTE:

Cragg said: 'Prominent names in this sport are sitting in Ireland and are talking about how we are not great like they used to be. But they forget that in the seventies they never had thirteen Kenyans under thirteen minutes.

'There is so much negativity from the top down about how people look at our sport in Ireland. Itā€™s sad because if you put myself or Mark Carroll in against any of the old guys, we could have given them a go to the line.

'I ran 3.36 in cross country season, I know I could run 3.34 if I was next to Eamonn (Coughlan) and those boys.

He added: ā€˜And itā€™s about time they acknowledged us instead of putting us down to make themselves look like legends. I think our sport needs a bit of support from the guys who used to run it. Maybe we need a fresh crew of people who want to help the sport.ā€™

Cragg also spoke about the disappointment with the race he had just run and how he felt he was carrying demons on his back coming down the home straight when he knew he would not finish in the automatic qualifying positions.

'I was in peak (condition), I performed at the beginning of August. I know that I have the ability to medal out there, when things are on fire, I could do it. I have got no control when Iā€™m on fire and at times like the Olympic Games is when you reach your best.

'But if youā€™re struggling on the edge of being great and youā€™re having a bad day, then the faults are going to be magnified.

ā€˜I should have taken the lead with 300 metres to go, I felt like I was still jogging at that stage. And when I feel I need to work, it all just falls apart. And then I had no chance at 150 (metres to go) and the more I dug in there was no impact.ā€™

He added: ā€˜The plan was to be at the front with 200 to go and then let the adrenalin kick in. But instead of the adrenalin kicking in, I had all these demons jumping on my shoulders with 100 to goā€™

The Irish 5000m indoor record holder also spoke about the loneliness of his sport and questioned his own participation in a sport that he has given so much to.

Emotionally Cragg revealed: 'I live alone in a city where there are no people my own age. Iā€™ve stuck with my coach for the last eight years and I come to somewhere like this and Iā€™m just alone. And people are looking to f***ing tear you down when they can.

ā€˜You get over injuries and youā€™re digging deep to find something else. I mean, I donā€™t know where Iā€™m going to go from here.ā€™

Now that made me laugh.

[quote=ā€œThe Runtā€]Your weird.

Anybody see Alister Craigs interview he gave his heat yesterday. Assuming he wouldnā€™t be qualifying for the final he had a cut off the likes of Eamonn Coughlan, My Boy Blue etcā€¦



Yea I saw the interview, fucking hell the poor fucker was torn to shreds, dont hold out much hope for him for Sunday. Hope he does alright.


Yea I saw the interview, fucking hell the poor fucker was torn to shreds, dont hold out much hope for him for Sunday. Hope he does it, or we should post someone on suicide watch for him.[/quote]

Ya for something as mentally tough as running and after having a break down like that, he will find it very hard to be right for Sunday. The points about loneliness are very true too. I know a couple of lads who are big into their running and the dedication and hours they put in on their own are massive.

Is he living in Ireland at the moment? Maybe when he comes back we could arrange to meet him and bring him out for a pints or something?

How has this veered into accusations of some of us condoning animal cruelty?

Personally, I think yer manā€™s a cunt if he gave the horse drugs that would inflict pain on it.

He should be Lynched.

Read bits of that earlier but hadnā€™t seen the full thing. Really pours his heart out and it doesnā€™t bode well for the final with all that negativity around.

The thing is thereā€™s no point him saying that heā€™d have beaten Eamon Coughlan - you canā€™t compare eras like that. The tracks were different, the shoes were different, the funding was different and the competition was different. Middle and long distance running is obviously tougher now for an Irishman than it was before. That doesnā€™t make you exempt from criticism, especially when you admit yourself you made tactical errors and were mentally fragile in the biggest race of your career.

Few pints might help him out alright.

Nah part of the rant was saying how he was living in Arkansas I believe to be with his coach, some McCarthy fella (?). Cragg was saying heā€™s the only person in the place of his age and about how lonely it was.

At one point the reporter (Murray?) said how he knew how tough Cragg trained and Cragg nearly done one saying he couldnt know, that nobody knows.

Tough stuff to listen to, Iā€™d have huge respect for anyone who puts their life on hold to pursue an Olympic dream, especially those not born with silver spoons in their mouths (Iā€™m looking at most of the equestrian and sailing people here).