The Olympics

[quote=“Bandage”]How has this veered into accusations of some of us condoning animal cruelty?

Personally, I think yer man’s a cunt if he gave the horse drugs that would inflict pain on it.

He should be Lynched.[/quote]

Funny how the following was posted first Bandy

“Hang on a second now. Let’s not rush to blame Lynch and O’Connor. Has anybody spoken to the horses themselves yet? Let’s not assume they’re total innocents in all this.”

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Funny how the following was posted first Bandy

“Hang on a second now. Let’s not rush to blame Lynch and O’Connor. Has anybody spoken to the horses themselves yet? Let’s not assume they’re total innocents in all this.”[/quote]

What’s your point? Our Olympics correspondent in Beijing was speaking to all horses concerned and he is satisfied that the manipulation was carried-out by humans.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Funny how the following was posted first Bandy

“Hang on a second now. Let’s not rush to blame Lynch and O’Connor. Has anybody spoken to the horses themselves yet? Let’s not assume they’re total innocents in all this.”[/quote]

very common method of training show jumpers is to rap them across the shins with a stick as they jump so they get used to lifting there legs higher…cruel enough…but is it anymore cruel than what rowers put themselves through??

Rowers have a choice I guess…


Yea I saw the interview, fucking hell the poor fucker was torn to shreds, dont hold out much hope for him for Sunday. Hope he does it, or we should post someone on suicide watch for him.[/quote]

Any particular reason you posted this? I think Craggs brother committed suicide in the past.

good articel here from Ian O Riordan who is like a dog with two dicks with the limpics on


So at least we know that its not the horse’s fault.

Laugh away. Sorry for interrupting the party.

Avril Doyle on the radio now tut tutting the whole thing.
God I hate that manface woman

[quote=“dancarter”]Any particular reason you posted this? I think Craggs brother committed suicide in the past.


You’re fucking kidding?! I never knew that, honest. Why did you say you think? Isnt that the sort of thing you’d check up on before posting it on a forum?

Just done a look around, cant find anything about Craggs brother committing suicide, but details are limited so it is a distinct possibility. I will change my post nonetheless.

To be honest I think this rings a bell with me too.

Jaysus lads could you imagine what could be done to these wans…

I am not 100% sure on details but thnk it was in a sunday times sport big interview with Cragg not so long ago…could be wrong but…

Yea I saw that, like I said nothing concrete there but it does seem entirely possible. I have editted my post accordingly.

i deleted mine as well…

just thought you knew and were taking the piss

Ah no, I’m a lousy bastard, but I’m not that bad.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Funny how the following was posted first Bandy

“Hang on a second now. Let’s not rush to blame Lynch and O’Connor. Has anybody spoken to the horses themselves yet? Let’s not assume they’re total innocents in all this.”[/quote]

Are you seriously taking offence at a quip about examining the possibility that the horses chose to dope themselves?

Get a grip.

[quote=“Bandage”]Are you seriously taking offence at a quip about examining the possibility that the horses chose to dope themselves?

Get a grip.[/quote]

No, but I’m sure the horsey was.
has he not suffered enough.

Peter Collins has just cleared up any confusion by saying he is certain the horse did not apply the substance himself.

Eamon Coughlan has backed him up on this…

Horse Sport Ireland have made a statement on the banning of rider Denis Lynch and his horse Lantinus from the Olympic Individual Jumping competition.

The statement read as follows.

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) was informed by the world equestrian
governing body the FEI, at 2.15pm Hong Kong time on Thursday,
that Irish Olympic rider Denis Lynch’s horse ‘Lantinus’ had tested
positive for a banned substance and that as a result he would be
suspended from taking part in tonight’s show jumping final.

Denis Lynch and HSI officials attended a preliminary hearing with the FEI a short time ago and were informed that the
substance found in the horse was called capsaicin.

At the tribunal the FEI indicated that this substance was an
ingredient in some products in regular use.

Subsequently it was identified by Denis Lynch as an ingredient in a product called ‘Equi-block’ used by him on his horse.

‘Equi-block’ is a product used in similar circumstances to ‘Deep Heat’ used on humans and Denis Lynch explained to the tribunal that he commonly applies ‘Equi-block’ to the horse’s lower back prior to exercise.

Following this preliminary hearing today the FEI informed Denis Lynch that he remained suspended for tonight’s competition.

The FEI have subsequently confirmed that three other riders due to jump in tonight’s final at Hong Kong have also been suspended as a result of the same substance being found in their horses.

Horse Sport Ireland has confirmed that they submitted a urine sample from the horse to a voluntary screening testing process made available by the FEI on the horse’s arrival in Hong Kong and the results of this test were negative.

The horse has also been tested on numerous occasions, including
following many of its recent victories, and has tested negative on all these occasions.

Sounds fishy to me.