The Olympics

Apparently, it was all due to the equine version of Deep Heat. Lynch says he applies this all the time. However it is a banned substance. Puts me in mind of other elite athletes who take aspirin and then test positive and proclaim their innocence/stupidity. Taking the innocent view, why do anything involving drugs unless you are 1000% positive it won’t test positive. Lynch needs to be reined in.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Horse Sport Ireland have made a statement on the banning of rider Denis Lynch and his horse Lantinus from the Olympic Individual Jumping competition.

The statement read as follows.

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) was informed by the world equestrian
governing body the FEI, at 2.15pm Hong Kong time on Thursday,
that Irish Olympic rider Denis Lynch’s horse ‘Lantinus’ had tested
positive for a banned substance and that as a result he would be
suspended from taking part in tonight’s show jumping final. …The horse has also been tested on numerous occasions, including
following many of its recent victories, and has tested negative on all these occasions.

Sounds fishy to me.[/quote]

If it was just one horse then grand, but I find it odd that 4 horses, from 4 different countries would all test positive for the same drug. could it have been a dodgy batch of the product or something that contained more than the normal levels?

Not trying to defend him here or anything, just putting the questions out there.

[quote=“The Runt”]If it was just one horse then grand, but I find it odd that 4 horses, from 4 different countries would all test positive for the same drug. could it have been a dodgy batch of the product or something that contained more than the normal levels?

Not trying to defend him here or anything, just putting the questions out there.[/quote]

same vet?

HSI should be jumping fences to try clear (round) his name.

I cant belive nobody else picked up on my praise of Fraaaaank on RT last night… The best commentator we have ever produced, just edging out Tim ‘passes to the Money Man’ McCarthy and Effin Eddie Moroney for top spot…

Tune in the Hockey finals at the weekend, it will be a treat.

where did that tony mcgrath come out of at all…i remember him at the last olympics as well…he takes it all a bit too serious…its only basketball at the end of the day…

Tim McCarthy no?

hangblaa called him mcgrath but you could be right…he still is a bit of a knob…granted an entertaining knob…

Name fixed… Fraaaank and Tim are fookin nut jobs.

He is a former player and coach for Ireland I think. Also does golf.

I’m a bit confused here. Are basketball and hockey guy the same person? I’ve heard and laughed at basketball chap - was in the pub the other day at lunchtime and he was going nuts over some women’s game involving China.

The same person but with two different names? Fuck off Bandage will ya. Wrecking my head these days.

Hence my confusion. Numbnuts.

Two different names because it’s two different people. Fool.

So, just to clarify and to set things straight, these lads are in fact two different and separate people? They are not the same person? If this was Farmer on the Wexford GAA thread then I’d be crying about name-calling. But I’m stronger that that. Prick.

any other month and you would be a shoe in for IOTM…

Cracking tv earlier with Avril Doyle in studio with Bill.

Doyle has an axe to grind so you have to take her comments with a pinch of salt but she was more than a bit embarrassed that another Irish showjumper gave banned substances to his horse and claimed ignorance afterwards.

The line being trotted out by the defence is that the Equiblock thing says on the card inside that “it won’t give you a negative test.” Two things about this:

  • maybe it’s just the way they worded it on tv but that sounds awfully different to it’s not illegal. And Doyle and Bill were making the point that the test to detect the drug in question was only developed in the last couple of weeks (though it’s been illegal for years) so that adds to the theory that this was just undetectable as opposed to permitted.
  • As Bill said too, surely you’d be asking yourself questions about what sort of dodgy product you bought if that was written on the inside of it. Would it not at the very least make you question its usage with someone who knew better?

The hope is that Lynch was merely ignorant. Judging by other doping offences in show jumping he’s unlikely to be given a huge sentence or anything and he can return to the sport fairly quickly so he should just get on with things. Shite thing to happen but the excuse of ignorance simply isn’t good enough at Olympic level. Particularly if you’re a showjumper after what happened in Athens. And if you’re an Irish showjumper then for God’s sake how can you not know to be vigilant?

The nagging suspicion is that there was motive behind the cream, that it wasn’t being used on the horse’s back and that all that happened here is a new test got developed and a scam got exposed. There’s no way really of differentiating between the two cases so you just have to take Lynch at his word unless it’s proven otherwise.

But for God’s sake just accept the punishment, acknowledge the offence, apologise to the people who funded you and don’t dream of offering excuses of ignorance.

disgrace that gary keegan didnt get accreditation- I know someone who works with him on the odd occasion & he was saying that 5 peope qualifying for the boxing will keep the critics off his back

Tim McCarthy is a legend

Apologies Rocko, but I will not take a doper at his word no matter what Avril Doyle says. Honest mistake my hole. We shouldn’t arbitrarily decide what an honest mistake is. Did that British 400m runner make 3 separate honest mistakes when she missed those tests? The Irish competitor deserves the same ridicule as other cheaters. He should be shot like Damien in The Wind That Shakes The Barley.