The Olympics

warning !! AAAhhhhhh

and now a warning for the Algerian…

Nevin now winning 6-4 at the end of Round 3

ole ole ole ole…

9-4, only hit twice… good result

3 boxers into the last 16 and a swimmer into a semi. Greatest olympics in years…

[quote=“The Runt”]There is a distinct lack of breasts amongst the female participants at the olympics (as usual).

Are the small breasts a result of them being athletes? (the training etc)


Are they athletes as a result of having small breasts? (having no friends due to being mamarrially challeneged, having to run away from bullies etc)[/quote]

I haven’t watched any of this but I presume there’s the usual complement of 13-year old gymnasts etc. That might explain the lack of jibba jabbas on many of the female competitors.

am i right in thinking that the other irish 2 boxers yet to fight have a bye into the next round.
thus all 5 of our lads are through. fair fucks if thats the case.
once again we have to rely on the working class/ cream cracker members of our olympic team to carry the flag with pride and outshine the middle class fencing/badminton/equestrian/birds olympians who have been frankly utter shite so far.
fight fight fight !!

p.s honourable mention to the kayaker rheinish who gave his all today and to andrew bree in the pool.

The Gymnastics are the best event in the entire Olympics.

There’s no better way to spend an aul Tuesday evening watching them on the high beam. Bring it on.

As for Baps, Gail Emms has quite a pair.

[quote=“tipptops*”]The Gymnastics are the best event in the entire Olympics.

There’s no better way to spend an aul Tuesday evening watching them on the high beam. Bring it on.

As for Baps, Gail Emms has quite a pair.[/quote]

Pictures please…

Emms isnt great, I prefer Amanda Beard myself

8.20pm - Let Chinese class go early, cos’ John Joe’s fighting.
8.28pm - Already shooting down Guanghua lu in a taxi. Pass by that big angular join in the
middle building that’s probably been on the telly.
8.40pm - Run into traffic outside the worker’s stadium. Not sure who’s playing football but
they’re leaving early in droves. Cocks
8.45pm - Run into Paddy’s, the Irish Bar, drop my bag, pick up a flag and that all-important
ticket. 250rmb for a 30rmb ticket.
8.50pm - Back in the cab, babbling in chinese to the cabbie, who’s not too impressed.
9.02pm - Ticket’s no fake, and I’m strolling into the stadium. Come on John Joe the
9.05pm - Up and at em’. Seating allocations are largely ignored in the stadium so we find
a set of four. It’s me, the good lady and the future inlaws. There’s two fights
before JJN, which gives us a bit of time to explain the rules.
9.35pm - John Joe enters. Once again there’s a huge crowd of Irish in the stadium. Nevin
lashes into him from the off but it’s more fists of fury than skilled attacks as they both fail to land a point int the first round. A less explosive start to the second let’s him pick off the first point. The roar let’s him know it. Jimmy Magee( the cock) has apparently had a pop for the boys in Green shouts so we change it to blue. Take that Maggie yo cock. 3-2 round 2. All in for round 3. A meesy affair, the shits go right up us when the cunt of a ref gives a peno against our boy, when they were both at it. Superb gentleman refereeing when he gives a peno against the algerian. Legend ref. 6-4. Dance JJ, dance. Spends most of his time on the run/holding in the last but still manages to pick off a few for a comfortable 9-4 I think. Legend stuff. Only note of concern is that the lad he’ll be fighting in the next round, a mongolian, is about 15ft taller and broke up a mexican with JJ’s style… but fuck it, an Irish boxer has yet to lose. Come on the Olympics.

It’s football for me tonight, with USA v Nigeria and Serbia v Argentina. Come on Messi…

Irish rowers going now and they’re paddy last in their semi final after 500m

The Brits win the semi final with the Irish lads last. Think they go into the B final now.

Gymnast Alicia Sacramone, who last night helped the US to the silver medal against the cheating Chinese, is famous today for a whole new reason: video of her knocking some dude the F out while at a party Brown University.

Quite the left hook

More good and bad from the worldly roadshow that keeps on giving. Today was the turn of football. You have to understand a few things folks. A few months ago the antiforeigner buzz was so prominent around here that it was hard to get a cab and foreigners might be beaten up for shopping in Carrefour. Now it’s love thy neighbour. Although tonight illustrated some madness.
We went to see a double header in the football. UsA v Nigeria and Serbia v Argentina in the Worker’s Stadium. Beautiful stadium, also somewhere where there has been public executions in the olden days. Checkered history, you may say.
First game.
UsA v Nigeria. America have a man sent off in the first 3 minutes. It’s backs to the wall like you went to St. Peter’s in Wexford. Nigeria eventually score in the last few minutes of the first half, having laid siege to the US goal. After the break it’s a new game and the states fight manfully throughout the second half. The crowd start CHEERING FOR AMERICA!!! Crazy stuff. Nigeria go 2-0 on a breakaway but the US come back, get a peno, score, hit the bar in injury time and the crowd goes wild.
Second Game
The crowd go mental, even before the game, for Argentina. No Messi(though his name rings out throughout the crowd), no Riquelme. The game begins and the Argies are a cut above the Serbs. An early, though dubious, peno sends them 1-0 up and they play good football… for a while… the crowd has regular Messi chants and the Argentina team settles into a lax/who gives a fuck style. The rest of the first half is largely spent in worship of a greasy haired young lad who isn’t even playing. Second half. The argies play so nnegatively that, even though they are way better, the crowd turns and begins to boo incessantly. No Messi, no fun. En masse, 54 odd thousand or so have decided Argentina are cuntz. Every touch is booed, seats are banged, Serbia are revered. Argentina get a second, more deserved peno and the crowd go bonkers, buckets of hate and abuse are screamed. Keeper saves, crowd go mental. Ref orders re-take, crowd go mentler. Keeper resaves and the roof nearly comes in. Argentina then go two up and the crowd goes hysterical with hate. Vitriol is unbelievable. There’s spitting at Argentina fans. So much booing, the Argentinians leave without even clapping their fans.
On the way out of the ground some of the officials try to lead us back to the happy clap… Crazy night full of insight …

Priceless :wink:


Emms isnt great, I prefer Amanda Beard myself

I must have a fetish for average looking badminton players becasue I think Gail Emms is hot, someting about her, shes just a nice girl

BEIJING LETTER: LIP-SYNCHING singers, fake fireworks and unsmiling cops - all too often the Olympics are all about appearances. Every Olympics incorporates elements of the Potemkin village, with the host cities erecting beautiful fronts to showcase progress and hide the fact that sometimes there isn’t all that much to report going on behind the sporting facade, writes Clifford Coonan .

Beijing is different, in so many ways. The Olympic Games have changed the character of the Chinese capital and reflected, and at times driven, a broader change in society. There is real progress and genuine development. But as virtual technology gains in sophistication at an incredible rate, it’s been difficult for even the Beijing organisers to resist a bit of virtual sleight-of-hand.

Organisers revealed yesterday that the 29 footprint firework display at the heart of Friday’s opening ceremony contained a fair whack of special effects, and that much of the fireworks section outside the stadium was in fact a digitally enhanced video which was superimposed onto live footage of the event.

Gao Xiaolong, head of the visual effects team, told the Beijing Times it had taken almost a year to create the 55-second sequence. He said actual fireworks could be seen outside the stadium but it was logistically impossible to film them by helicopter, so the decision was made to recreate the effect digitally.

The ruse even extended to getting the weather forecast right so as to simulate the same smog as on the night, and adding camera shake to simulate filming from a helicopter.

“Seeing how it worked out, it was still a bit too bright compared to the actual fireworks. But most of the audience thought it was filmed live - so that was mission accomplished,” said Mr Gao.

And there I was, frantically trying to work out how they did that.

Mission accomplished, too, for little Lin Miaoke, who won the hearts and minds of the Chinese people for her stirring rendition of Ode to the Motherland at the opening ceremony. But there was growing anger in Beijing at the revelation that she lip-synched the rousing patriotic anthem, while the real singer was a little girl whose looks just didn’t make the grade.

Chen Qigang, musical director of the opening ceremony, said in an interview with local media that Ode to the Motherland was not actually sung by Lin Miaoke, who has been christened the “Smiling Angel”, but by Yang Peiyi, also seven years old.

Miaoke made a huge splash in the domestic and international media for her performance.

There were tales aplenty of how Miaoke, who has been in TV advertisements with actress Zhao Wei and champion hurdler Liu Xiang, had to get through a tough interview process and beat off hundreds of other hopefuls to get the nod to sing the song.

Mr Chen said Lin Miaoke was chosen ahead of Yang Peiyi to appear on the stage because she was better looking. It was a question of the national interest, he insisted.

Yang Peiyi, a first grader at a primary school in Beijing, said in an interview with CCTV that she did not regret the fact that her voice, but not her face, was used for the ceremony. She was happy that she was able to appear in the first place.

But webizens were horrified at the message this sends to children.

“Since this happened, seven-year-old kids all think you should judge a person according to his or her image. They now think that being good looking is better than having a good voice. Shame!” said one online commentator. Another wrote: “Personal image can have an effect on a country, and a negative image is not in the national interest? What a joke! Why don’t they just cancel the programme? Don’t relate everything to the national interest.” Once you get beyond the sporting fields of dreams, appearances and perception is everything.

Beijing’s police have been told to smile more, but the grim expressions of the city’s constabulary show that it clearly isn’t working, and an IOC member is taking them to task about it. The blue-uniformed, white-gloved coppers stand at the intersections, barking orders at tardy motorists not keeping the road clear, their faces set in stone. This despite the large road sign near Tiananmen Square reminding the police that they are supposed to smile. “Smiling Beijing Traffic Police” it reads.

Even that doesn’t have any kind of impact. Norwegian Gerhard Heiberg, chairman of the IOC’s marketing commission, has brought the issue to the attention of Chinese officials and called on them to encourage a happier and more welcoming attitude. The thousands of volunteers on the streets of Beijing are helpful and smiling, Heiberg told the Norwegian daily Aftenposten.

“The police and military, on the other hand, need to act differently. Their faces look like they are made of stone. They’re seriously scaring the foreigners in Beijing. That’s why I’ve talked to China’s political authorities and the Olympics organisers at our daily meetings. I’ve asked them to get people to smile more,” said the former athlete.

Heiberg has made appearances on Chinese TV and Olympic websites urging the Chinese guardians to keep grinning. “When I mentioned this in important meetings, the hosts began to laugh. Now I’m called the ambassador of smiles,” he said. To be fair to the Chinese security forces, they do have a lot on their minds. The fatal stabbing of a relative of the US Olympic party at the weekend and the wounding of his wife has caused great distress in Beijing and comes after years of security preparation.

And there is the even greater threat of some kind of bomb attack by Muslim Uighur separatists in the restive region of Xinjiang, who have staged a series of daring suicide bomb attacks in recent days, heightening the security alert in the capital.

The general feeling in China, however, is that soldiers and police are smiling more, so his complaints will come as a bit of a shock. I can attest that the People’s Liberation Army soldiers who guard my apartment building smile courteously every day as I present my passport to enter my own home.

Another question of perception is visible on the websites listing the performance of different countries. Chinese websites have China leading the medals table because it has won more golds than the United States, even though the US has won more medals overall. It’s all about who appears to win more.

2008 The Irish Times

Clifford Coonan from the times

Off to the Worker’s Gym again to see light heavyweight and medal hopeful Kenny Egan. Come on Ireland… He should be on about 8.15am Irish time

You should have tried to syndicate these little diary entrys to one of the irish papers juhy…great stuff keep em coming