The Olympics

Theyā€™re Olympians mate, there would be something odd if they werenā€™t putting you to shame

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Ran 800m and did nothing - I think knocked out in first round. Retired in 1962

The boat does all the work.

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Iā€™ve just signed up with the local rowing club there iā€™m buzzing so muchā€¦ I reckon I have it in me to make it to Paris in three years.


Thatā€™s what they call the debating society in Douglas?

Itā€™s been mentioned already but thereā€™s no scandal or fallout or anything like that, Irish Rowing selects the best two for the boat, there wasnā€™t much in it but McCarthy earned his place in the boat over Gary, Iā€™m sure Paul would prefer to have his brother in the boat and he probably would still have won but thatā€™s how it is,
Bittersweet for Gary obviously

Ronnie Delaney still the GOAT
Gold medal in the pinnacle of athletic achievement back in 1956, that was when the mile was the centre of the athletics universe


Iā€™ll be down Blackrock pier at 5.45am Saturday.


If you start now youā€™ll probably be pulling past the Eiffel Tower in three years alright


There was defo a fallout the brother didnā€™t even stay In Tokyo for the race.

LA 2028, mate. A former captain of Dublin University Boat Club once said, ā€œif you row competitively for seven years and donā€™t make it to international level, youā€™re a fucking retardā€.


music video film GIF by Polyvinyl Records

He had a great indoor and colleges career.

He wasnā€™t allowed to stay

Competed in the 800m in 1960 but made no impression. He was only 21 in ,Melbourne.

Track and Field will always be the pinnacle. A Barr medal would be incredible.

O Donovan is some animal though and I hope he makes out like a bandit from all of this.

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Itā€™s basically a past time for failed rugby players who study commerce.

Barr is up tomorrow at 3.40am. Lane 7

I just canā€™t see it. A final would be a great result for him.

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He has the talent, but as always for an Irish person to medal you really need everything to fall into place.

There is more than a grain of truth to this. The Skib boys are different though.


Where did you watch it or did you have it recorded?