The Olympics

As opposed to the high achieving, mentally balanced and stable pillars of society who populate this forum


Are you a failed rubby player mate? Did you study commerce?

Iā€™ll make sure Iā€™m in Dunmore for the homecoming.

I was wondering myself why they no longer race together. Apparently itā€™s performance based though.

There is absolutely zero truth in that, Iā€™m surprised to see you entertaining that

Lads are pretending to be speechless after a canoe race :sweat_smile: amazing they were still able to type.

were you rotten with drink last night or something? Youā€™re fierce cranky

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Itā€™s very hard to root for these fellas when you know the full story.

Correction. That person was actually beaten in the captaincy election by one vote. Both himself and his conqueror were former pupils at Eton, as all DUBC captains are.

This is a poor effort. The simpletons reacting are as bad.

Whatā€™s the full story? They seem like characters to me. Youā€™d have to respect Paul Oā€™ Donovan becoming a physio and then going back to become a doctor while training as a full time athlete. It would remind you of Michael Fitzsimons in Dublin.

A lot of rowers on the Dublin scene are failed schools rugby players. Some more are failed GAA players. The people you really want in a boat, the real tough nuts, are generally from Cork or Galway, the people who actually grew up rowing.

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The students I knew that were rowers were incredible specimens of fitness.

The rowers I knew were neither rugby nor GAA players.


Did you ever pop along to the Garda Rowing Club back in the day? A great day out.

I did not.

Me neither.

How can you be a failed rubby player? :laughing:


They hound good schools players who arenā€™t playing colleges with ucd to take up rowing. Within weeks of picking it up they are usually competitive at a high level.

Itā€™s hilarious to hear lads discussing strategy too. Youā€™ve to get from a to b in a canoe ffs.

It has no place in the Olympics anyway and I wonā€™t be counting it as a medal.

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Not Olympians, just competitive rowers in general. incredible athletes

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