The Olympics

100% but Iā€™d say your average golf or tennis fan wouldnā€™t have anywhere near the same level of interest in the Olympic competition compared to the major titles in each.

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and theyā€™d have absolutely fuck all interest if it was teams or amateurs.

It isnā€™t actually. Catching a crab is where the oar blade hits the water on the back stroke, where it should be clear. If the boat is travelling and a person catches a bad one, they can get fired out of the boat.

Three quarters of them at least are obese. Half have no teeth left. UK sport relies on a handful of schools, clubs and colleges. Itā€™s amazing they do as well as they do.
Iā€™ve often said that Ireland is the most remarkable sporting country in the world. Thereā€™s hardly a sport we donā€™t have a world class athlete at, despite bad weather, awful facilities, and little financial doping.
The likes of seashell myth and horsey horse are a blight on the unbelievable efforts of the sporting community.

They donā€™t eat meat either.

This is unusual, itā€™s the third different explanation of the term Iā€™ve seen on this thread.
Maybe itā€™s a regional thing, my understanding of the term from many many hours of listening to rowers among my family and friends is when the oar goes in too deep and you lose control of it in your hand due to the forces being applied on the boat by the other oars, it can be catastrophic for your chances but most often it is righted by experience and you lose a couple of strokes for the boat. It happens frequently during junior races

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3/4 of Indians are obese?

Agreed ā€¦ if we got rid of horsey shite and funneled that money into real sports weā€™d see a nice return.

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Theyā€™ve eaten the other half.

The other quarter :wink:

It basically is where you donā€™t get the oar out of the water properly at the end of the stroke, or catch it back in during the backstroke, so the handle gets pushed often violently back into you. Travelling at speed in a heavy boat, it has been known to throw people out.
Itā€™s the opposite of missing the water.

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Weā€™re fairly obese as a nation ourselves in fairness

I donā€™t dispute that and I get the financial aspect of it but they go against the ethos of the Olympics imho. The genie is out of the bottle but they add little aside from commercial revenue.

Apologies, I thought we were talking about team GB. I suppose the bit about the half decent test team should have been a clue.

Donā€™t know about that

I never heard the missing the water bit, that makes no sense to be honest.
In Cork it was always used to describe the oar going too deep because it was at the wrong angle, in extreme cases the oar can indeed react with violence as you said,

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Are ye both right lads??

I wouldnā€™t be a huge fan of basketball being in it either but aside from the dominant US team it is probably a big deal for the other nations to win a medal in it and a big moment for the non US based players to play in it.

Football sides are made up of 80% + of under 23 players but and the ladies football is held in high regard but even then there is little interest in either with all the other sports going on. I donā€™t think I have ever sat down and watched a full football match at the Olympics

Matchplay foursomes would be a great format. Straight knockout