The people who must be shitting themselves thread

WTF, can you only be ā€˜wokeā€™ on twitter so? Is Twitter everything?

Another loon who canā€™t make up his mind whether heā€™s woke or not.

Says who? You?

The so called ā€œconvoyā€ in Canada was organised by the far right, including people from astro-turf secessionist parties, which, if you know anything about the issue, can usually be traced back to Russian interference.

They are not just thugs, but a tiny, tiny minority, and they are also not working class, they are the refuse to work class, and the refuse to let other people work class.

They hate the working class - just like you and your elite bourgeousie, fuck the working class, ideology of the so called ā€œGreat Barrington Declarationā€, which was entirely happy for the working class to die in droves so that the insatiable desire of the plutocrats for more money could be satisfied.

People like you are extremely dangerous because you genuinely believe in a worldview formed by a vicious anti-intellectualism, slogans, and lazy, empty cliches - empty that is except for the hatred for ordinary people that drips from them.

Ah yeah, everybody who disagrees with you on anything is always a ā€œloonā€.

The Russians.

Itā€™s quite reasonable to suspect the Russians have their fingers in that particular pie, given the links to these batshit secessionist ā€œmovementsā€. Russia has proven form for funding these things.

Can you tell me if the Russians funded the CalExit and Texit ā€œmovementsā€? Iā€™ll answer for you. They did.

You are the same person who believes 95% of US academics are Chinese plants.

I know exactly what I am but I donā€™t post on twitter, I must be missing out, I could have thousands of followers, like a prophet.

Maybe itā€™s Cara Iā€™m thinking of, not Clara

Galwsy hurlers

No, itā€™s the latter, a mad Limerick woman, very hard worker, great for her to get a permanent job.

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Weā€™ve still come up with fuck all people who have actually been cancelled in Ireland or Britain. That is sacked or shunned for expressing politically incorrect views. Ones who lost their job for fairly justified reasons like Rolf Harris or quit themselves as they were caught acting the cunt like Al porter and eoghan McDermott donā€™t count. Itā€™s simply not a big issue and absolutely nobody Iā€™ve ever met agrees with the concept of cancel culture in an American sense. Youā€™d imagine it was a huge issue.
Cheasty has dragged it/been dragged down a rabbit/cat hole on some ridiculously niche issue that again absolutely miniscule amounts of people care about or agree with but itā€™s a perfect example of the type of shite thatā€™s used to completely discredit the ā€˜leftā€™ in general and the hard line left have only themselves to blame.

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Why does it have to Ireland/England you ham of a man? To suit your argument?

I donā€™t think thereā€™s been many cancelled and donā€™t buy into it myself, but the looney left are certainly aggressively using social media to attack and harm people and push their not so liberal agenda.

Yeah to suit my argument why would I suit someone elseā€™s argument ?


Thatā€™s a fair point.

Carry on.

Didnā€™t see the game myself but apparently he was cat at the weekend.

I see Joe Rogan works with a company called Bent Pixels to get content which is critical of his plodcasts taken down from the INTERNET.

The thing is Mr. Rogan claims to be all for free speech. Except when he is the subject of criticism.

Mr. Rogan is himself an example of cancel culture in action, an irony Iā€™m sure will be completely lost on his fanbabies.

More than one footballer has recently attacked pussy.

He was forced to leave Chelsea after he attacked Tabby Abraham.


Zouma bate the shit out of a cat, and now heā€™s a fucking hero :joy:

Could he identify as a cat himself to calm this down??

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