The people who must be shitting themselves thread

That makes him 37 today


Born in Limerick :grimacing:

We must be on the cusp of a Limerick deviant thread.

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Itā€™s not true because heā€™s obviously as gay as Christmas.

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in that case, he has a very nice beard

Heā€™d have played his last year minor in 2001 rather than 2002 though.

Heā€™s allegedly played with minors long after that is the issue.


He could be like David on Schittā€™s Creekā€¦

If McDermott was caught sniffing a pair of shity underpants owned by that fella Panti Bliss Iā€™d be inclined to believe it more. Or if the victim in this case was a 16 year old boy.

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Is he not married or engaged? To a woman

Whatā€™s that to do with anything?

Jesus Christ that is a bombshell. What will the redtops lead withā€¦ Eoghan McDermott in attempts to put "Fairytale of New York " on ban list also enters top 30 of sex offenders list.

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Ye werenā€™t far off there lads. Excellent pre-emptive current affairs reporting.
Always something a bit off surely about that fella. Always be a bit wary of these painfully woke ones with a bit of a voice.
Sympathies to the girls affected, hope they get a bit of comfort from his fall from grace.

Old cunts like us need it spelled out to them


Second that

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Shocked that McDermott was capable if this, always assumed heā€™s a bender.

Seriously though, I thought it was just slightly too well written. But details like the street names, the tattoo on his backā€¦ itā€™s very clearly calculated to destroy him but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not real. It comes from someone close to him. Iā€™d put it about 2/3 likely that itā€™s real, 1/3 itā€™s not.


Between this and Anna Gearyā€™s arse Iā€™m speechless


And thereā€™s more . See the influencers thread

Jesus we need sport back

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