The people who must be shitting themselves thread

They are extremely different arguments.

They boil down to the exact same thing - decisions as regards casting serving to reinforce prejudices and stereotypes.

informative post. I may have been duped by notorious propagandist and fake-news peddler @Juhniallio

Edit: or maybe not. I don’t agree with the “gay actors for gay roles” @Malarkey . Maybe I’ll think about it some other time.

“Anybody born a man should never play a trans woman”

Even the woke warriors stumble over the constantly undulating lexicon.

We’re not far away from the precursor “trans” being deemed offensive as it suggests a trans woman is not a real woman.


Well, it was only a matter of time before this ignoramus decided to have his say on something he neither knows anything about nor has any wish to ever learn anything about.

I don’t even know what one is, honestly.

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10 bonus points if it’s a white male in their 20/30’s

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Zhu Yi.

Gender is something that anyone can play and we’ve seen in more recent times women playing some great portrayals of men. I don’t think these roles should be exclusive to whatever gender someone identifies as but rather whoever can play the part the best. Race is completely different for obvious reasons.

It’s another smokescreen argument.

Eddie Izzard is a trans woman who recently played a man in Stay Close without any particular controversy or issue from any side.

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Wha? When did that happen?

Tommy Tiernan

Cis men don’t get to decide what should be acceptable to the trans community. Until relatively recently white people thought they could decide what should be acceptable to the black community.

Now we’re down to the crux of it, the trans community wants to coerce the rest of society, Like we’ve previously seen with language… That’s a form of fascism.


Shure everything is fascist to youse lot, except fascists.

Fancy explaining why you think that?

What about the acting community, they get to decide on what’s acceptable there?

Posters like Sid want to speak on behalf of trans women who don’t share their views. It’s fascinating to watch. A trans woman doesn’t believe trans women should compete in female sports. Sid reckons he can speak for trans women and he gets to determine who is the spokesperson for what is not a homogeneous community but rather made up of lots of different and nuanced view points and people.

Do you think the casting of a white actor in the role of a black character when there are black actors available should be seen as appropriate by black people?