The people who must be shitting themselves thread

You’re too thick to understand that I’m not speaking on behalf of anybody, nor do I claim to be.

You’re actually claiming to be speaking on behalf of the same people you think should be ridiculed though, which is laugh out loud hilarious.

In the production of the show “Hamilton” that I saw black actors were cast in the role of white characters. It was grand.

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As long as we’re not going minstrel or gollywog portrayal, yeah, I’ve no problem with it.

Unless you’re purposely weaponising or demonising via the casting, I don’t see the issue.

Every period drama does it. Nobody pays a blind bit of notice.

Yeah, but that isn’t the same thing.

Sorry, was mixing my pilots.up.witj that one! Deleted my mistake

I’m not doing anything. I’m merely telling you that it is no longer acceptable for white actors to portray black characters when there are black actors available, and rightly so. And that blackface is no longer considered acceptable either, and hasn’t been for a long time.

There’s a term that the self styled anti-cancel-culture™ loons love to performatively use. “Where does it stop?”

Where does the desire of the anti-cancel culture™ loons to deliberately offend, insult, denigrate and dehumanise others for kicks stop, one wonders?

Does it stop anywhere? Doesn’t seem like it.

Jodie Turner Smith recently played Anne Boleyn. It’s a movie or a TV Show - they’re not historically accurate nor intended to be. Jesus wasn’t white either. Germans in WW2 didn’t speak English.

Nobody particularly cares expect the loons who want to argue about every thing and now Covid is done this is their latest front.

There are people who arguing here for the sake of it, not because they have any point or any actual argument to make.

It’s because they’ve decided, chosen, to be offended. Over what, they do not know. But hell, they’re going to be offended over something. You are the prime exhibit.

Holy fuckin bejaysus. Where do you start with a moron like this?

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Mistook me there…I wasn’t saying you specifically. The “unless.youre” was referring to those doing the casting

You should bust a cap in his ass.


A war between Russia and the west would be doing us a favour at this stage. We’ve had it far too easy…now the thing is to give out free money, endless entertainment, easy qualifications, handy jobs, endless tedious self pity sympathy and sick pay if you’re too precious or have long covid. Its a fucking joke. The sooner Vladimir arrives and boots us up the hole the better


A savage war is what is needed, send these woke wankers into trenches. No more PUP and sitting at home taking shit 24/7 on twitter


My understanding is that the feds will if they ever catch up to him.

Was that a Beer Can Chicken enthusiast by any chance?

Are we sure that wasn’t @peddlerscross ?

They are coming for Kurt Zouma now I see

To make it worse, I think his cat was trans.

How this story makes news is more.of an indictment than the actual act he’s supposed to have committed. Charged locally, fined with warning for repeat offence and be done with it.

Instead, the pile on will now happen

Not sure why I am being namechecked…

I stay a million miles away from ‘trans’ issues. The world always had a tiny minority of people with gender difficulty, such as Jan Morris, and I am deeply sympathetic to any such person. But the whole area has become a minefield, as anyone who read about the carry on around Liam/Lily Madigan knows, and no one sensible goes promenading across a minefield.