The people who must be shitting themselves thread

There must be more nephews and godchildren of current RTE stars that have yet to be hired, surely? Maybe not.

If the boys fall on their swords then they’ll probably see their Podcast swell further in popularity.
There’s no fear of them

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The 2Js aren’t very funny but are no better or worse than any of RTE “comedy “ output . Those panel shows are particularly awful

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In a seismic turn of events for this forum (even in war times) Keith Walsh has come out to bat for the 2 Tipperary defendants and dare I say it, men in general?
He must have been reading TFK and had a rethink about the direction he was going in.

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Credit where it’s due Keith

Look at this absolute Cunt


One of the 2 johnnies was on joe duffys show earlier and really didn’t do himself any favours, was saying they were laughing at the bumper stickers because of how appalled they were and also said someone working for them edited the podcast leaving out parts where they condemned them . These boys need to hire a proper pr guy or just admit they fucked up and move on

Known in legal circles as “The Wooly Defence”.


The oul it was just resting in my account defence


I heard you are passing memes onto Lauren on tinder. Can you confirm these reports?

Lads need to relax


I agree and I couldn’t care less what they supposedly did and it seems to have been blown way out of proportion but the eejit went on the joe Duffy to explain himself and made a balls of it, he should’ve said fuck all and twud be have been forgotten about in a few days

There’s a war going on. Relax.

A war on misogyny and toxic masculinity. The real world problems

Tis you’re the one getting your knickers in a twist

You’re replying twice to the same post. I think we both know who’s worked up over this

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Very poor reflection on Tipperary people.

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They have quickly become the “Tipperary duo”.

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Between this incident and Declan Kelly pawing women it’s a bad look.


Tipperary people need to own this and do better