The people who must be shitting themselves thread

What was his involvement on the day in respect with the Armagh panel?

Arse towel distributor

Extended panel member.


A rush of blood did for him today

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A cowardly fucker. Comer was pinned by a few of them.

Nahā€¦. Something wrong with that chap

Heā€™ll get his suspension

Kudos to the Galway sub who threw a box in retaliation after Comer was gouged. He shipped a few belts himself for his troubles but fair dues for standing up for his team mate.


I donā€™t think the camera caught it but it looked like he was going to land a haymaker. Fair fucks to him

Landed a haymaker from what I could see.

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It wasnā€™t as good as youā€™d have hoped

Yep. A schmozzle is one thing,a lad who had no rihht to get involved and then getting cheap shots should be done like the little gurrier he is.

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Ridiculous fuckology

Heā€™ll have suffered enough at this stage, no harm done. Move on.

Suspension by all means, but yes.

Just as well for him that they didnā€™t profress. The media would have been shouting about it until the semi final.

Iā€™d say Ghislaine Maxwell has the brown trousers on today. Iā€™m predicting 40 years.

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Mark Meadows

I donā€™t know what Chris Pratt did, but people are not happy

He broke that lovely Anna Faris girls heart