The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Its mad thinking how anyone got a majority in Ireland looking at the numbers needed

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Who votes for him so?

All those Sars lads canvass for him

Mattie is not a certainty going forward.

He has pissed off some of his electorate by delivering little and his Religious views becoming more extreme

He did the dirty on his running mate in Ballingarry. It won’t be forgotten

They ran 42 candidates last time. They got a great return, but there were a few constituencies where if they even stuck a wheelie bin onto the ticket as an extra candidate, they would have gained extra seats.

Most should retain their seats, although you wouldn’t be sure of the likes of that headbanger in Clare.

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SF wont touch them. 15% tax rate on them is enough and they arent stupid enough to kill the golden goose. Tbh SF would do fuck all differnet than ffg imho

Sars aren’t exactly the most popular club inside or outside Thurles.

He’ll get in though actually if they only run one candidate which they should.

No guarantee Kelly runs again. He’s done. Can see him fucking off to private sector.


Sars would struggle to bring 1000 supporters to a Co Final

Oh oh. Yet another booboo from the honourable @ChairmanDan on the judgement front. It’s becoming clear he really doesnt understand Paddy at all.


Theres a fair chance if they get it right next time out , they could hit 50. But in hitting that 50, they’ll probably obliterate labour which will still leave them scrambling for numbers with the smaller parties and independents. You might get a few renegade ffers who will push for a coalition but unless sf can hit 65+, it will take some amount of horse trading to form a government

They ran 42 the last time and got 37 elected. They’ll have an extraordinary election if they can break 50 next time. If the incumbents can muster 81 between them it’s all been for nought and the status quo will be preserved. As simple as that really.


They’ll do a great job promising

Execution is surprisingly (given their history) where they fall down


Mary Lou has her ear to the ground whie some lads have their heads in the sand

I wager a bet that if they hit 50, itll be the end of labour. After that, if they genuinely want to be in government, they’ll be relying on a mixture of independents and the likes of pbf to make up numbers. Still wont be enough because despite all the sabre rattling by the likes of John McGuinness, ff still wont jump ship. If they are to do it, they need to hit the 60/65 mark and that aint gonna happen

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They built 835 social housing homes last year in NI.

It’ll be genuinely interesting to see them take power as they won’t be able to ride the populist wave and will need to make and implement actual policies and stand behind them.

I think a SF/FF government is nailed on after next election. Labour are finished. Their choice of leader was final nail in coffin.

On the off chance they don’t get an outright majority it will be SF/Green. You can chalk that

I think SF have to get into power next time just to give them a chance and get to a state of equilibrium where they’ve all had a chance to govern between all the serious parties going forward and we can actually have conversations based on things that have happened rather than guessing what SF would do

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The Greens are interesting. I’ve always thought Green votes are sort of luxury votes you can make in times of abundance. If energy bills go where they look to be and we’ve blackouts then Ryan will be absolutely hammered.

SF aren’t alone in the north and the purse strings are complicated. Deirdre Hargey did release another £20m in November last year exclusively to combat costs of materials to build more social housing…