The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Tralee & Killarney have some very rough elements.


It looks like the cunt spat in his face initially and then decked him as he was defenceless and falling back. It is lad like this who deserve unmerciful hidings and a jail sentence.


Killarney wouldn’t be next or near as troublesome as Tralee I’d have thought surely?

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Genuinely he should do 18 months for that. I’m not usually a fan of example justice but that’s potentially fatal.
No doubt he’s a good club man from a good family though.


Was wondering how long this would take

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Tyson Fury

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Would you look at the first responder



"And while we are at it, McAlooby>David Clifford


if you know, you know.

Not sure is this a new thing or what. I was in Galway in June and came around a corner about half 12 to see three young lads laying into another guy. We ran up to break it up and lots of people shouted etc. Three teenagers about 17 maybe, skulking about looking for someone drunk on their own and lashing into him. This was right outside the door of the shopping centre on the stree connecting Eyre Square down towards shop street.

Hard to take any article seriously that uses ‘they/them’ nonsense. I believe him.

Limerick hurlers will most definitely not be shitting it anymore

Former Mini-Minister Troy had to pop back to what used to be his office to collect his keys there today. Luckily they were on what used to be “his” desk.


You’re in for some craic when your kids get older.

The latest chapter in the Troy thing is a row over private school/boarding school and whether he’s privileged or not.

That is bonkers. I hope social welfare investigate and pursue him for returns.

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You try running an apartment in South Dublin on €60k a year


“its a well paid job”

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