The people who must be shitting themselves thread

I donā€™t know how HAP works but I do know with other types of social housing once you have it, you have it. If your income increases down the line then you donā€™t lose the house, but might have to pay more rent.

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Jesus Iā€™d forgotten all about Cosgrave. That was a beautiful time

Sound ripe for abusing with very little consequences.

When you have qualified for social housing support and are getting HAP, you will continue to get the payment, even if you no longer meet all the qualifying criteria of the social housing assessment. For example, if your income rises above the income threshold for social housing, you will remain eligible for HAP. However, you must inform the local authority if your income changes, so they can recalculate the differential rent you pay, see Rent contribution below.

Yeah once you qualify you stay qualified but rent contribution may change.

Weā€™re moving towards cost rentals rather than Cliff social welfare. Just because heā€™s FG lads want different rules to apply to him than other HAP tenants

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Yes and they all do this.

I said it before, HAP is Heroin.

I know a lad who split up with his bird during the last recession. Couldnā€™t afford the apartment so he got HAP. Since then his wages have nearly trebled. He start going out with a new bird, never told her he was getting HAP, she ended up moving into the apartment and he charges her rent !!!


Fine Gael policy. The fiscally prudent party.

His wife is a FG TD ?

Partner but itā€™s Emer Higgins who used to complain about living at home but has gone quiet on the issue since becoming a TD - now you know why


This HAP seems to be a right cod.

You wouldnā€™t believe the amount of people on it - making extra undeclared income hairdressing/beauty treatment at the home and then having the jockey in a full time job living there too


The gift that keeps giving - folk be on the HAP teat in perpetuity. A fucking cod and being abused royally at every hands turn.

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Bout the only thing Emer Higgins has ever gone quiet on.

Two FGers in one? This is delightful.

Iā€™ve honestly never ever heard of a welfare payment paid in perpetuity irrespective of a change in circumstances.
Itā€™s absolutely bizarre. Whatā€™s the reasoning behind it??

It isnā€™t, I posted up guidance from citizens info above. Youā€™re supposed to inform the authority if your income goes up and theyā€™ll deduct the difference. Makes sense as a policy, gives tenants and landlords more security.

I wonder did this fella tell the authority his income went up? Iā€™d say heā€™s supposed to mention if he has someone living with him as well.

Thereā€™s a maximum payment per adult/child and you canā€™t top up rent beyond that I think. A lot of landlords wonā€™t take it/it can be behind the market

You also have people on decent incomes entitled to social housing. They donā€™t lose that house.

