The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

id be fairly confident my lawn tennis skills would transfer to table tennis and that i would smash anyone here


Excellent you could sail your boat up the Shannon estuary to Ringmoylan pier to great fanfare

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with the bat in my hand waving at the adoring table tennis fans


Yokels would be more like it,but whatever


Actually, we were in Bristol around the time of the London Olympics and they had a load of tables down by Brunell’s ship and the brilliant science museum.
The weather was perfect, they were playing winner stays on, single set to 11 on some of the tables, crowds around, great fun.
Won’t work with a puff of breeze though :grinning:

Surely a paddle boat ?

I’ll build a wall around the one in Pallas so.

In another tangible sign of my Pilates paying off, the coaches in the gym were praising my hinge movement on the kettlebell swing yesterday. I didn’t have the heart to mention Pilates so said I’d been working on my movement patterns at home.

Fired on by the praise I went hell for leather and my hamstrings ache like a Connemara emigrant ached for home in 1970s London.


A lovely post.

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I’m away out to play ball at 8. Physio here I come cc @Thomas_Brady

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Break a leg

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Santy knew January was coming. A decent addition to globogym


Scenes! Thank you. You wouldn’t believe how correct that is if I told you!

You’ll be awake half the night finishing up that late

Did you break your own or someone else’s?

This fella is a decent follow if you are looking for a few handy home work outs with a band or kettle bell. Posts good content too


@Juhniallio … You better tweet this guy a load of gibberish about swimming.


Sure my phone time is full between tfk and pp. The last thing I need is Twitter. I’ll leave that sort of thing to the likes of yourself.
Btw, you never did tell me which you could move your hand through faster, air or water?

I’m not an active tweeter person, pal.

As for your question, go shit in your hat…

Good man Razor. Go down the local pool and learn to swim properly there and do it for a few weeks and tell me if your muscle mass increases.

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