The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

How are you managing the old lower back pal? Mine’s a bit gammy also and so I’m steering wide of squats and deadlifts. I’m also trying to recover from some form of shoulder impingement which means no bench press or push exercises in general. It’s quite frustrating but I think I am slowly making progress with both and building back towards a base to be able to exercise more fully again. I’ll be back doing muscle ups in no time.

He argued that lifting weights will build muscle quicker didn’t he? Not running

Tie a few dumbells on to your legs there and go for a swim and see how you get on

You simply can’t let it go.

Resistance training remains the best form of training to combat age/ muscle loss / decreased testosterone.

You can swim the Irish sea 10 times and that fact won’t change.


Juhniallio, is the Irish sea colder than the Atlantic in general? What’s the difference between them in summer and at this time of year say?

I haven’t really been in the gym in 2 years so I haven’t had a major pain incident but my mobility is shot to shit.

Mobility/ stretching and strengthening area’s around the back are the best form of defence.

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Listen pal, juhniallio can kick a ball and scramble up walls like a monkey while you have a crocked back and haven’t exercised in a year. Maybe you should pipe down and pay a bit of attention to him for a while?

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I’d still out run, Out lift and out fight him.

It’s also good for us lads that aren’t completely past it

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Yeah they’re a disaster for the lower back. I was hit by a jeep about 6 years ago and even attempting a back squat now fucks my back

I’d been tipping away at front squats instead but when I hit 80kg I aggravated it again. I’ll go back to them but I will just keep them at lower weights and top up machines. Leaving it at pistol squats for now.

Bulgarian split squats are unreal


Just do very low weight… Squats are actually great for your back, it’s when you lose form you fuck yourself.

Meh. I find low weight boring.

I’ll just do insanely heavy quarter reps on the leg press instead


How you gonna fix your back with machines? You could just throw in a set of 20 low weight squats to finish up a session.

Deadlifts are fixing my back

I wish you well.

Bulgarian split squats 3 second lower and 3 second pause at bottom would humble any man

He was asked was swimming good for keeping muscles. It is. Very good. And in the context of overall muscle mass it’s fantastic as it works a heap of muscles at once.Google a pic of any swimmer you like. Or just look at the shoulders on any competitive swimmer.

Where @Thomas_Brady decided to run off to with his side of the argument is up to him.


Any recommendations for swimming lessons on South side of Dublin. It’s been on my mind to go back swimming and I think I’d benefit from lessons as I’ve not swam much for twenty years

I said it doesn’t have the same affect. You prick… Google any swimmer he says… The argument was about lads in their 40s and fifties maintaining muscle mass and increasing testosterone levels… Not lads in their 20s training for the Olympics :rofl:

You literally jumped in at the deep end because you thought I attacked swimming, I didn’t.

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