The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

lash the head off him

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He’s a pure gowl.

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Yes. Swimming is brilliant for maintaining muscle mass. Trains a heap of muscles instead of one. Thank you.

I dived in at the deep end by the way…

muscle mass surely isn’t brilliant for swimming though?

Can I axe you a question kid?

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Not particularly a problem for real people. Only when it starts to be a lot, like bodybuilder amount. You’ve much more issue with bone density than muscle mass I think. Eg black people have different bone density and find it harder to swim.

Aren’t women generally better swimmers at the non elite level?

I’m not sure how you’d even measure that mate. What’s a better swimmer? Faster? More efficient? I see a lot of swimmers (I’m a swim teacher) and they’re all different and some people are just better/more suited to different strokes.


What are the two biggest muscles in the body?

Missed this, feel it needs a reply.

1 - yes, running away
2- shoplift? Yes
3 - Not if it was for a kebab you cunt.

My missus could swim for hours but it’s at a snails pace… she gets totally into a rhythm …a very curved stroke with her hands but she’s not doing it to generate much power so it works for her …

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My aunt (uncles wife) is a swim teacher but she doesn’t swim herself, I’ve been told she can’t swim but I don’t see how that’s possible.
Her daughter (my cousin) has swam the channel over and back so she must be a good teacher :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Your gluten and your quads I presume. There might be some fucker that runs the length of your back that sneaks it but otherwise I’d go with the ones around the biggest bone.

It’s not impossible I suppose but I can’t for the life of me think why you’d teach swimming I’d tou didn’t like it or do it. And it definitely helps. Fair fucks to your cousin though. That’s savage. Won’t be long before @flattythehurdler does that.

Do you reckon you’d work your glutes and quads out more doing weights or swimming?

I think It was based on triathlons where first out of water are best men and then women come next in larger numbers

At elite marathon swimming women are better too. More fat so more buoyancy

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Can confirm that @peddlerscross is the best table tennis player in this locality.

We had a very competitive league in school with an array of players and characters. @peddlerscross used his forehand top spin to win the majority of games.
I could use either side but made lots of unforced errors.

There was a couple of lads who were a bit like Forest Gump when he began that could basically return the ball on end.

Great times.


They were simply incredible times.

Some lads had different strengths like one had a good serve but not much else, while others could stay returning until the cows came home but couldn’t hit a winner.

My forehand was my main asset but I had a bit of an aura too though and lads would usually get while line fever if they ever came close to beating me.


Too cold for me tbh. I swim with a couple of people who’ve done it. They aren’t even the best swimmers, just a good body shape (good layer of fat) and can plod along all day.
One thing I do generally note is that in the main, women are much better at kick sets than men. I’m not sure is it the pelvic angle or what, but it seems a fairly constant feature, and I don’t know why.
I go slowly backwards in a kick set, so much so the coach said not to bother, saying some people just can’t kick. He didn’t know why either, but he (Dave quatermain) is a fairly well known distance swimmer, and said he only kicks to balance his stroke out, not to put any forward power in.
What do you reckon to this?


Seems like you’re circling round again to your argument for the question you weren’t asked mate…
For the record, I’m happy to confirm for anyone that swimming is excellent for maintaining muscle mass.

I might suggest that your much talked about string of injuries could be due to your inability to train holistically and that you might be overtraining your hoop muscles till they pop gaskets left, right and centre in your body. Just a thought to ponder during you next spell out injured.