The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

Are you suggesting different strokes for different folks?


You just can’t answer the question can you… Because you know I’m right. No one had said anything bad about swimming, just that resistance training is better for increasing muscle and testosterone.

Id imagine you know as much about this shit as me swimming with those folk! Fuck all of your speed power comes from your legs and it’s the most inefficient power. Improving speed with faster/harder leg work takes so much oxygen you’re fucked. The point as your mate says is to use the strong kick to maintain body position for streaming and to help body rotation.
The power is mostly from your arms. About 80-85% I think. Sprinters use slightly higher percentage of legs/arms than distance, just because they can go all out. Obviously technique is most important there but for a good laugh occasionally it’s worth hammering away as fast as you can on your arms. It’s amazing how much you can ‘feel’ the power. And how quickly your lungs run out. I got a shithot coach to look at my stroke a while back with a view to improving for triathlons. He tweaked one or two things and I was fucking bolloxed coming out of the pool then next few times I went. Not moving arms faster but just changed some angles. Totally changed the muscle fatigues. And I was much faster obviously.


like every sport or athletic movement. When you see someone really good at it, it looks so graceful and almost effortless.

You’d be saying to yourself that looks easy, then do 10 laps, splashing and spluttering and ateing chlorine.

I have the good fortune to train with some very good swimmers (I plod along at the back)
Claire used to synchronised swimming for GB :eyes:
She can swim 50 metres underwater


She must have a serious hole on her?


What thread was it on mate? I’d like to go back and have a look.
You were asked was swimming not good for maintaining muscle mass. It most certainly is. You are also continually stating its not resistance training, which it is.
The trade off you don’t seem to understand is that swimming resistance trains a whole heap of your muscles at once while you doing fifteen reps of your 12kg kettle before sitting on a bench recovering builds muscle in your hoop. Which is important for you given how much time you have to spend sitting on it every time you’re injured.

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Did she swim it by herself or with a boat beside her feeding her water and food ?

It’s like climbing everest with O and a Sherpa giving you a warm blanket

I said swimming wasn’t as effective… You went off the deep end then.

You’ve admitted you got it wrong so we’ll just move on now.

We were stroke analysing a woman (early 20s) who swam competitively for a few years a while back. It was like ballet watching her move through the water. Unbelievable grace and power.

You did mate and you’re wrong. Swimming is indeed very effective at keeping muscle mass. It’s not as effective at building it.
That’s what you keep arguing, but it’s not what you were asked.
Throw it up there sure and embarrass me. What thread was it in?

@Thomas_Brady has the grace of a swan, the eye of an eagle and the wisdom of an owl

He’s for the birds


Jeepers, @Juhniallio gave that fat chap @Thomas_Brady an awful gutting there. Why can’t some people just admit they were wrong and move along?

Anyway, great to hear any and all swimming anecdotes Julio, it’s nice hearing from actual athletes and specimens on the fitness thread as opposed to 5 a side weekend warriors and stay at home kettle bell heroes, keep it coming.

That swim took her 34 hours non stop, yes there was a boat.
Are the real heroes on the boat?

To do a recognised channel swim you have to use a recognised boat and pilot. The waiting list is long as I think you are given a three day slot. You then sit in Dover in your togs, sometimes for days, waiting until the captain says the conditions are ok, and you then go, no matter what. This may be lunchtime on the first day, or three in the morning on the last.
The captain’s word is law. If he/she says you’re out of the watr, then you’re done. I know one lad who said he could see his mother on the beach in France waving at him he was so close, but the tide has turned and he couldn’t get in. The captain felt he couldn’t wait for the tide to turn again, so that was that.
If there’s no suitable weather and sea and tide in your slot, it’s back on the waiting list.
Unless you’re a famous actor and author, and legendary uucoam, where you get to pick your day and time and weather.
You also have to swim in togs, ie budgie smugglers or a scant bathing suit for women, so cold is a huge issue, as is seasickness swimming in the dark especially. The channel is fairly manky too apparently.


She did the over and back, swam 15 miles off course due to conditions. A bit mad really

Most people swim a lot further than the course. It’s a big S shape by and large. Iirc on the average crossing a person is swimming hard for three hours or more just to stay still. The tide is vicious.

2022 is all about Zone 2 training and developing mitochondrial density.


welcome to 2021