The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

She did and the girl paid her back in full ahead of schedule. She was delighted to see the girl make a success of it.

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Brilliant. Your mother is a good woman.

Jesus thats some gesture by your Ma

Shed run businesses herself so saw a bit of her younger self in your one I’d say. Shed be a decent judge of a person so was confident this lady would make a go of it.

Impressive to have gotten it back as covid etc put massive dent in your ones operation. Thought she might not se it back.

But yeah, be proud of the Ma going off and doing something positive like that for a young lady trying to get ahead


I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

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46bpm. I’m in fine fettle… I think…

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That’s some going by Ricki Wynne tomorrow. He seems like a very affable fella. Do you know him @farmerinthecity ?

Showing off he got the ride when he woke up


He seems to be a gas man on the social media. Keep showing up is his tagline. You’d be rooting for him, the little pocket rocket

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Imagine, and he a builder? Hope he smashes the record!

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We played Leitrim Gaels years back and he was hammering into our lads. Gas to see it happening with his size,

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Fitness tracker started buzzing after about 25 mins… “Daily Goal Reached”

There is a reason ould lads are healthy.


He’s on his fifteenth summit. Started at 8:05. Has to 10am to get up and down to do the record. Has been doing 1hr40-1hr45s ups and downs approx last few efforts. Looks good but will be tight

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How do you track him?

He’s almost at the summit.

He is going to do it!

Up Ricki! Up Drumshanbo! Up Leitrim!

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He’s at the summit. His second fastest (since his first summit) summit of the day. Unrale. He’s 58 minutes to get down. Not a fucking bother.

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Low back pain is killing me here and I’m mad to get back deadlifting. I’ve never used a belt for it but I’m thinking of investing. Will it help much? I’m at 190kgs at the moment (well I was, I dont know what I’ll be at once the back is better).

Aboy fuckin Ricki!!!
