The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

He’s fucking done it. What a performance!

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20k raised. So far.

Why are you deadlifting? Just because you can?

I enjoy it. It was something that never caused me a jot of bother for the past 3 years or so. Not it’s suddenly causing me multiple jota of bother.


Unbelievable that you haven’t been using one at that weight.

Walking the only man to fix the back

And a shakti mat

I’d do well over an hour of walking most days. I’m confident it’ll be better in a week or so. I just want to try and prevent another strain cos it’s something that’s just suddenly started happening me

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Walking backwards, I looked some eejit but it got the job done :man_shrugging:


I just saw this clip there. He got back with 35 minutes to spare and decided he’d do another 20 minutes or so to round up his climbing to 12,000 metres :open_mouth::face_vomiting:


Platinum Pilates have an offer on today. Unlimited classes for 28 days for 199.

Interesting. Wonder is just mat classes or would reformer be mixed in?

It’s all reformer. They do an offer like it every year in July and August and December.

You can go as often as you want in the 28 days.

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I did Pilates every day this week.

I’ll be an inch taller with abs like cobblestones by September.

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I did it 3 in stillorgan. Some going, had myself in all sorts of positions.

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Pain is just youth leaving my body.

Lads i know some of ye would be big on weights. I get the point and everything but I only have so many times a week to exercise and weights sessions feel like a waste. I want to be pumping sweat after a session. Anyone feel like persuading me they are worthwhile or giving me advice on mixing them up?

I did a TRX class for first time in nearly five years yesterday evening @Thomas_Brady .

I nearly had to burn my top afterwards with the sweat that came out of me. I’m pleasantly surprised that my arms seem to be working fine today.

Do you go to a gym to exercise? You could do 40 mins weights and 15 mins of a circuit or some sort of HIIT round at the end nd and there’d be no shortage of sweat coming out of you.


You should be sweating after weights, otherwise you aren’t going heavy/hard enough.

And doing them 3-4 times a week is ideal


I do a conditioning circuit 3 mornings a week
It’s a class so no idea what’s gonna happen till we get there… It mixes up strenght and cardio v well… Its not crossfit but its not million miles off it just not as hardcore or competitive… IMO there is absolutely no way I’d get even half as much benefit doing it on my own

And yes. I’d be pumping sweat, for a long time after it too

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