The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

Tomorrow man, tomorrow will hurt

Aye. I’m prepared for that, but still thought I’d be in an absolute heap today.

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As Glas said, it’s not all pumping big weights at leisure for guns. My gym has a studio area that’s regularly free so a circuit can be done in peace in there… 3 rounds of 3 exercise x 10 reps per round x 3 - so 9 different exercises in total, 90 reps.
Even if youre doing more traditional weighted exercises you can do them in pairs, jump from one straight into the other. Squat into pull-ups etc.

There’s a world of ways to do it to get your heart rate up and pumping. Just think lighter and more reps

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What is your goal?

Are you looking to lose weight or add strength/bulk. Weights are great once you hit your mid 30s onwards as if you concentrate on form and target the right areas the gains from it will stand to you for years on end. Recovery from other activities becomes a lot easier too.

I was running for a number of years to try and keep fit for hurling once I passed 30, a complete waste of time looking back. Would still be broke up for three or four days after most matches with my hip or back acting up. From Covid I grew sick of running and committed to the gym last November - 2 nights a week - 30 minutes weights, 30 minutes core and cardio.

The difference is night and day.


I’ll never forget the time i couldn’t bend my left arm after that class :rofl:… Just up about an inch or two from the elbow was banjaxed …

What we did this morning…

10 X kettlebell squats, lunges, swings X 3 so 90 reps… 400m run

Pull ups (off a band) 6 every 90 seconds x 8 rounds

Then into circuit emotm 40 on 20 off

Dumbell press, kettlebell swing, assault bike, sit up, wall ball, burped x 5 laps so 30 mins on go

Bollixed for 5 mins after it but grand then

Some days more weight less cardio and vice versa


The other time I brought a few fit lads, one of them had to go outside for a little puke, so you did fairly well all told :laughing:

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Good going… Have started doing circuits myself in the morning. A class is a different ball game… Tho i do push myself.

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I do these type of sessions with a bunch of lads. Usually twice a week. One of them is a boxing related stuff. Love them. Thats why just weights sessions seem a bit shit tbh.

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Lads are rarely fit across the three metabolic systems - phosphagen, glycolytic and oxidative

Pull them out of the one they are used to and they’ll struggle fairly quickly.

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If you’re doing them and you enjoy them and it’s good exercise then I’d say stick with that. You’re more likely to be consistent and keep at something you’re enjoying and it’s not possible to do everything.


Almost impossible to be good at all 3. The training is so different

Did a reformer Pilates class a few weeks ago. Felt great for days. Ain’t cheap bring the only problem.


Heavy weights will burn calories more an any other exercise. Try do them once a week. Even just heavy squats

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Yeah @Juhniallio, just bate into heavy squats once a week. Sure what could go wrong.



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My short term goal is a triathlon in dyngarvan early september. My mid term goal is losing about 10kg. My long term goal is to die a healthy man.

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I’d just concentrate on the triathlon stuff for now considering that’s less than a month away. Going hard on the weights as a beginner could leave you too sore to do other training for a good few days.

Losing the weight will be 90% your diet. A lot of fitness people these days would suggest upping your walking while trying to lose weight rather than intense cardio as it is a lot easier and it won’t take much out of you and you won’t feel like you need a big meal after it like you would after a 5k run or whatever.

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An exercise you should be shown to do properly and build up slowly over time… A sure recipe to a bad back and injury otherwise. Deads are probably the best exercise to do for strength/ power but you dont need them in any workout plan… I’d tell most people avoid unless they have the discipline to learn the proper technique