The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

It’s nearly always diet… But it can get harder to shift as you get older. Weights/resistance training are one way for the older gentleman to ward off flab as it boosts declining testosterone which is the other main cause of weight gain in us middle aged folk.

Losing weight is all diet really. Training burns very little calories relatively speaking. A 5km walk in the evening and stick on a book or a podcast.

Weights will mean you should lose fat and not muscle though.



Every weight programme is based off those.

You could start with 20 minutes

Bench press 4 x 6
Lunges 4x6 each side
DB Row or cable row 4x6
Kettle bell swings 3 x 10

Throw in a dead bug or plank for core

2100 calories a day and 10000 steps a day if you want to loose weight


Found a protein shaker under the seat in the car from around 2 weeks ago. In that heat. The smell was horrific.

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Yep, anytime I do a weight program (it’s been a few years) my weight increases but the waist size drops.

I’d need 8-12 weeks but it might be time to give the 32 waist boot cuts a wear.


Squats, pull ups, bench, over head press.

That’s all you really need.


Everything else is show boating

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My legs have totally gone this year… Im an average enough ball player, more a spoiler, that relied on getting around and getting a foot in as much as anything… How do i reverse the aging process?

A bit of cardio work? Won’t reduce the ageing process but might get you around a bit quicker.

Did another TRX session last night. The body is remembering how to do these things again :laughing:

You are what you eat mate (a sausage).

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I ate a rake of blackberries today.


Almost finished the month long offering. Rang them up to see would they match it again. Said wouldn’t but if you do the annual one, it works out at 229 a month and you can get refunded whatever balance is left with a month’s notice

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How did you find it. They do same offer for December?

I went about 20 times I’d say. Definitely feel better for it.

I’m going to lock it in for the year. Doing it 4 times a week, 5 when I can, and can see massive improvement in flexibility and posture.

It’s mad watching auld ones in their 60’s to the side of you managing to flawlessly do some of the exercises and I flailing like a fish.

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Yeah it’s fairly humbling alright.

They have tower classes in some studios but I’ve not done them yet and not exactly sure which studios.

Few pics for the aul ones thread?


Engaging muscles that haven’t been stressed or pushed in a long time, it’s been brilliant.

Haven’t even heard of the tower. Sounds ominous.

Only problem I had was one session was ridiculously light. Some Ukrainian woman (cracker truth be told), moved through the exercises after 5 reps and they were all very light. Didn’t even break a sweat.

The gay lad is fucking hilarious but the most severe of them, really pushed in his class

Yeah his classes are the toughest - more of a cardio workout

Have you done the jump board - they do those some days but you don’t know til you arrive

Seems to be tower in Clonskeagh
Precision Pilates Description

Precision Pilates is our latest Pilates Workout using The Pilates Towers which are essentially a very enhanced Reformer with a tower full of springs, bars & straps to give a whole new dimension to your Pilates workout. You will experience many of the exercises you already know on the reformer but most of the time you will be using direct spring resistance or assistance which will give your body a whole new experience. During this class you can expect to work your core, improve your flexibility and mobility and to bring your Pilates practice to a whole new level.

The former ice skater lady. She’s like a stern but beautiful gym teacher from an 80s movie.

Get after it lads

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