The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

You’re following some French lad around the Irish countryside?
T’is more than a compass and GPS you need.



In fairness to him, he’s seen more of the countryside up here in a year than most of the locals

I was at Reformer Pilates this evening. I’ve a 6.15 mat Pilates class in the morning.

I’ll be two inches taller by Christmas.


The pools reopened yesterday having been pointessly closed for a month again.
I’ve spent two mornings swimming like a roller skate and feeling awful.

What’s yere resting BPM?

Round 60 I think. Maybe late 50s


55 odd

you were dead there for a while?

That’s low. I just found out my father’s resting heart rate is around 50.

He got a valve done today in the Mater. During the procedure (which was a big success thankfully), they fitted him with a temporary pacemaker as his heart rate plummeted. The doctor was talking to my mother over the phone and said the heart rate is already back to the 50bpm.

If you’re fit and healthy what’s wrong with it?

Lowest I’ve had it, around 56/57 now.

Not a thing.

I’m just saying that the doctor had said to my father in advance that he had quite a low HR. I suppose as well it probably should be a bit higher as you get older. Whereas 50ish might be normal enough maybe (I think 60 is average) in your 30s and 40s, maybe it’s not so normal at 76. I don’t know a whole lot about the science of it tbh.

Bradycardia for you.

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Brady, Brady, Brady

Same, app is telling me the average is 51

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