The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

Jaysus you’d a massive spike there back in March during the first wave.

Had a checkup early last year on herself’s (a nurse) insistence when she saw my average heart rate. The doctors just reckoned I was fit.


Are ye all on Fitbits etc?
I only know my HR when I’ve my Garmin on and I’ve only got that on when I’m running or cycling

Lads in the 40’s mustn’t have an ounce of stress :sweat_smile:

I keep the Garmin on round the clock. It’s useful for telling the time, among other things.

Yeah courtesy of a @Copper_pipe scam :muscle:

A great investment.

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That’s very fit. I think most Olympian track runners resting heart beat is in 30s. Miguel Indurain was 28😳

I laugh when I read the average is 60-100. I wouldn’t like to be in the 90s.
Usually around 57/58.

Not a scam.

You gave me money and you got a Fitbit for it.


And while I would be no couch potato, I wouldn’t class myself as a fitness freak either or anything. Part of it is probably down to genetics. I come from a long line of savage relaxed people. It’s a miracle I’m here at all.


Just fit… I haven’t been wearing my watch much but right through last summer into autumn I was consistently 42-44 range.

That is serious going to be fair, I’d be fit enough but couldn’t see myself hit the 40s anytime soon.

Since may. I’d say its prevented me being 10kg heavier than I already am.

I’d say it’s up significantly now after a few months off from any form of exercise. I’ve gotten Joe Wicks to do some personal training with me tho to kick start the new year

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That’s incredible, must be genetic as generally that would be serious athlete territory

Fair play, I’d have some days as low as 49 but that’s it, if I kept it on in bed would it drive it down for me I wonder?

Possibly… Depends what you’re doing in bed.

Yeah it’s a great motivational thing, you’d nearly feel bad if you don’t do the 5 days exercise, the ‘zone minutes’ a week or whatever you use.

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wrist based heart rates are inaccurate, you need a chest strap for proper data

I see Bez of Happy Mondays fame has joined the fitness train.

A new fitness channel on YouTube

Get Buzzin with Bez

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Game. Changer. The end of gyms.

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