The Pretend Fitness 2 - the Turkish Get Up Thread

I assume 27 in one set?

I started back in the gym the other night. Hadn’t touched a weight in close to two years due to covid/laziness.

Managed a 6/4/3 pull ups with the band, i fucking hate them. Was impressed with a 2 and a half minute plank despite not having attempted one or done much core work in a fairly long time


Do you bring a weight belt with you to the gym or do they have a good one there?

They have one there.

Some lads will do them with dumbbells between legs or ankles.

42.5 x 2 baby


8/8/6 with no band this morning. I’m coming for you!

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Pull ups or chin ups?

Pull ups


A mighty job for fellas sitting at desks with tight traps. I’m back up to the 5 mark and I’ll do a few reps throughout the day when I’m WFH.

Between that, the 15 minute morning yoga routine and the standing desk… I’m like young lad again.

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I’m doing three gym sessions a week and have taken a forensic look at the diet.

Had a bad year in 2021 with two bad doses of sinusitis, a dose of shingles and a back injury which set me back a month or so as well. Was getting flabby around the middle and into a lot of bad habits.

Gone from 14”4 to 14 stone in 3 weeks from just eating 5 a day and cutting out shit. Just need to up the protein now.

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Diet contributes significantly to this.

Shingles… Burning the candles a bit?

Yerrah, I got a dose of salmonella about 5 years ago which I think did untold to me and my energy levels which doesn’t help.

Second time I’ve gotten it. Wasn’t anywhere as severe as the first but obviously you can’t be exercising or overly exerting yourself.

Sinusitis is linked to hay fever which I have developed after moving out to tillage country in north county Dublin. Went a week both times without taking the anti histamine and it developed into full blown sinusitis

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You’ll fly it.

You can get shingles from stress too

For sure.

Is someone chopping onions?


Crying here you UCOAM

What about the Huel ?

Have it for lunch Monday to Friday

I am bawling crying here

After a quick scroll of instraram in 2017 I bought a 4 stone bag of it on pure impulse but the fad wore quickly and i ended up throwing across it into the ring feeder for the cows.