The Pretend Fitness Thread

more a case of a few trees in the garden .

Thanks for the tips last night FP and Kev, where would one purchase epsom salts?

any chemist RTT

Good man FP I didn’t want to look like a big girls blouse going into some health shop.

Thats what the wife is for Tintin.

I got the epsom salts the other day and I must say I was impressed, sound FP. It 's ok Kev I saw on the tub when purchasing them that the epsom salts are used for gardening so I pretended to the girl on the till that I was some kind of green fingered wizard rather than a sissy boy who needs epsom salts for his weary legs. :smiley:

Are they not the same thing? :smiley:

no worries RTT

12km this morning- decent auld trot. Great way to spend time of a bank holiday

did a 10km WBY myself. Achilles are grand after a couple of days of rest and a change of runners. Great running weather.

Have started doing 12km runs about once a week to take a break from the cycling. Bit of a problem though as skin between my big toe and next toe has started to wear down and is peeling away. As a result area is little sore particularly when I jog. Is this normal? Anything I can do to preven this from happening? I wear football socks and running runners which seem decent enough

when i’m doing mid to long runs i use vaseline, it helps prevent chafing (sp).

First off buy decent running socks Larry- no seams near the toe area
Cut your nails to make sure they aren’t digging in anywhere soft
See if that sorts you out
If it doesn’t have a look at your runners- consider getting gait analysis done and buying a proper pair to suit your running style

After that- fucked if I know

Make sure you keep stretching- last year I was stretching 3 times/day for 12 reps to sort out a niggle in one of mine
Calves especially- most Achilles issues are related to tight calves

not sure on this but i also think the football socks are a bad idea for distance running. prob not enough space in your runner.

Thanks lads will try the vaseline and the socks. Didn’t know there was such a thing as running socks. Will pick some up

invest in a couple of pairs of 1000 mile socks. you’ll get them in most sport shops, well worth it.

will so do.thanks.

Is this the friendliest thread on the internet? :smiley:

its just that this thread contains more of the ‘happier’ posters, must be from all those endorphins we release from working out :smiley: