The Pretend Fitness Thread

All long distance runners and sprinters do hill sprints -

As do many field sports teams, bodybuilders -

Again, think targeted, tactical and precise. Not any old mish mash of shite.

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If you take the old railway line from Blackrock it’s the quickest way I think, or else somebody was taking the piss. I wasn’t navigating.


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You’re just posting for the sake of it, I’d like to be able to say,stop, you’re better than that, but your posting falls far short of expected standards and has done so for quite a while now.
Maybe I could suggest a break away from the site for a year or a decade maybe.

Deliberate irony. I like it. Much better - now build from that, mate.

You have me bored into submission. You really do. I’m having a shower now, will you find someone else to torture while I’m in there.


You can’t beat a Friday evening INTERNET victory.


Congrats, pal. You sent him packing.


Cheers mate. As you can see I have been carefully avoiding conflict with my e buddies in the last couple of days and am only intervening when I see tap in opportunities or chances to wind up the Baron of Diddlesbury.


Are you calling yourself an athlete now?

Well FUCK YOU @Bandage you had me so addled that I hopped into the shower and it on full heat. My chest and mickey took the brunt of it. I’m pretty sure it’s 1st degree burns I’m seething. I’m here now rubbing aloe Vera cream onto my mickey and I’m thinking I’d take you alright.
Fuck it. 12:00 pm outside Langtons Sunday week. You horrible monster.

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Burpees with Hill sprints?

The sprints are great, but why burpees. Completely unnecessary

Fuck off ballbag



If we don’t stand up to the bean counters, we will end up like the Simpsons in the grey school uniforms.

what a day this is going to be, the stars are aligned

Fixed that for you.