The Pretend Fitness Thread

A few arse holes wouldn’t take the token and another bollox joined in half way and wouldn’t take a token. I nearly went ape with them

I’m under savage pressure here. The race director will be pointing a few fingers.


I gave the Limerick parkrun a lash this morning. My first time in there. Smashing morning. Course can be narrow at times. The 6 cans i had last night didn’t prevent me from running a park run PB (I’ve only run 4 or so) . I was happy enough with it . I’ll start doing some longer work again now as I target the half marathon in mid June.


its an unbelievable thing to do every Saturday morning

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last time they give a mick a job



Swim was terrible, bike was good and the run could have been better.

Job done though.


Monster traps, shoulders and arms workout earlier… Unreal.

I hit 160kg on squats Thursday.

What do you deadlift pal?

I was up to 140 but I’ve to watch me old back… Have taken a little break from them.

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The trap bar is good for taking pressure off your back with deadlifts.

Yeah I started on that a few months back… I’ve been using it for farmer’s walks recently

What do you weigh? That’s serious weight. I’ve to stay away from the heavy squats and deads for now myself.

About 14 stone.

The positioning is what is key, easier to engage upper back which lessens liklihood of lower backdoing too much.

However in comparision of deadlifts you actually use your back more with the trap bar. With traditionals Deads your hanstrings are much more activated.

Try tempo training at atound 60% for 1-3 reps on the minute every minute x6-12 minutes/sets.

Great training effect and less chance of back issues.

Also maybe Dynamic lifts and/or Jumps at 30-40%.

Won’t lose any strength with those methods, in fact the jump training is known to increase Max lifts without any traditional lifting.

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Nothing from @Tassotti after the London Marathon

Starting to get worried

I’ve been doing stuff like box jumps and jumping lunges, low weight high volume front squats and RDLs, and leg extension and hamstring curl to put a bit more weight through them. Over 3 different days.

Agreed. Hopefully he checks in shortly. I wonder what time he was aiming for.

Somewhere around 3:30 but with the heat in his nations capital it might be more

Jump Lunges are good, and they are ballistic.

I mean though you replace completely the traditiinal lifts with jumps or tempos or indeed triphasic lifts for a few blocks.

Stay away from open chain exercises like extensions and curls. Nordics, sliders and trx bridges for hamstrings and reverse nordics or Oxidative split squats for quads are much better options.

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