The Pretend Fitness Thread

For GPP i’d go with a simple plan of - 1. Split Squats with Single Arm Tracking - 2. Single Leg Balance to Hip Hinge, with ball at back - 3. Single Leg Squat to Single Leg Stance with Side Pull -

For young player -after you’ve done some mobility and stability work I’d start with something like kneel abdomen brace exercise, split squat abdominal brace exercise and bear crawls and teaching the young athlete about creating and releasing tension / controlling their muscles- you can begin to work on basics like Shuttle Runs, Ball Jumps, Squat Jumps, Pushups, a mixture of lunges and various movements after that in short bursts.


7 hours for that?

Who did you have to email?

Shuttle runs and jump squats :joy::joy:

And what are ball squats?

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General Physical Prep

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7 hours ? I replied within 15 mins of you asking …

I got the notification later.

Still nonsense

Well I’ve never coached a losing team, ever.


Thats because you never coached

That’s nothing to do with anything - My record speaks for itself.

Of course it does.

You can’t take anything away from zero

Look, mate — It’s all about movement and short burst exercises with young kids to train their muscles etc. etc — What I suggest was a quick offhand routine ---- It’s a major step up from @Brimmer_Bradley who does laps with 14 year olds and then gets them to spend an hour running into contact with the ball.

Who said anything about kids? Kids play. This is about preparing athletes.

We don’t train kids like adults.

We don’t train kids even like youths

And you clearly do not understand the hierarchy of movement

I’d call an 18 year old a kid - but I meant youth… anyway, as I said, my record speaks for itself.

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The one where you end up in hospitals?

The one with constant injuries?



I was in hospital for banging my head — I have one injury, mate.

You are always injured ffs.

And the one you have major issue with is usually a poor training and lifestyle one

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he has a terrible diet aswell, one of them roasters you see in the gym performing experiences with terrible form,the sort of lad you want to shout at

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Incorrect on all fronts - for a guy that likes to regularly use evidence based argument on here when it comes to sport, you do a lot of diagnosing through a screen.

The evidence is;

  1. You tell us how you train
  2. You get injured

So you are either a bullshitter or a stubborn fool

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I think we know the type we are dealing with here kev, savage thick and ignorant, you’d try telling him he is breaking his back dead lifting a weight far too big for him and he’d grunt “fuck off” at you

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