The Public Transport Thread

Galway city badly needs a LUAS. It would be a game changer for the place.

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Muldoons are hilarious


Great idea. I said it myself last Sunday. Only thing is that it acts as some sort of filter on the traffic hitting the N7.

A lot to be said with implementing the technology used on the M50 for all tolls.

I avoided both tolls on the m8 and m7 at the weekend due to traffic.

Dart North gone into planning today guys


How long until its built? We need to keep ublic transport projects going.

This one should be relatively quick. The battery trains will be live in 18 months to Drogheda anyway.

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Excellent this was needed 10 years ago. Better late that never.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy keep it coming

2 wooden heads


It appears that the Railway Order for DART+ West has been granted.

Dry your eyes @Spidey.

why does this make @Spidey angry

He’ll have no excuse for taking the car to work.

What’s the difference between the current Commuter service that comes in from Maynooth and Dart+, other than the electrified track and different rolling stock?

frequency & capacity


You’re a patient man dealing with these inane queries

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Improves the existing integration with the Green Line too.

New stations as well. Spencer Dock direct integration with the Red Line and Cross Guns with DART SW and Metrolink.

A new S Bahn service for Dublin.

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