The Public Transport Thread

A small price to pay I suppose for ensuring a decent standard of living for the working class citizens of Ireland.

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Ps. Their website was most likely contracted out to some non unionised small firm where some poor young lad on about 25k a year was directed to design it, the owners of this firm most likely creaming the profit to sink into buy to let semi Ds, and rent the same houses out to young lads on 25k a year as they can’t afford a mortgage…and the wheel keeps turning and the employed man loses more and more.
Thank god the unions are there to stem this system of greed and inequality.


All the while the trains still run too slow

That isn’t the case.

Yes it is. Especially under the FG regime.
The party of the landlord and tax dodger. As bad and all as FF were there was an incentive to work, and with their polices someone that worked and educated themselves had a chance.
Denny o Brine decides FG policy and is brazen faced about it.


Are they still pedaling drugs from them?

Take this to the Private Transport Thread

Ok so should the old dears have the free travel to go on their shopping trips on the buses while the mortgage saves are left waiting in the rain during rush hour.

Many years ago the old dears had to wait til after rush hour to use the bus pass. They were known in these days as twirlies. Because they always asked the busman Am I too early.


I love the old man Fagan yarns



Yes but the horse has bolted on this.

Once you give something to people, it’s very difficult to take back.

Shane Ross trying to make himself relevant by blocking a proposal he probably leaked in the first place

Keep the pensioners off during peak time. Also keep them out of shops and all retail outlets during Peak times and don’t allow them to drive on any public roads either during the same time.


Irish rail got some back lash after this tweet :rofl:

Some bunch of snowflakes .

Good enough for them, their fare structure is a joke

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Yeah, it’s farcical… as for how limited their service is :rollseyes:

Cheaper to fly from Farranfore to Dublin than get the train :rofl: