The Public Transport Thread

So nothing published or publically available information. When did that study get performed? April 2020?

Cork Cycling Campaign on Twitter: “More people were cycling to work and college in Cork in 2016 (3,500) that are driving between these two cities. €30m was allocated to Cork City Council for walking and cycling projects in 2021. €3bn is the price-tag of this motorway.” / Twitter

Surely if the traffic is taken out of them it will improve the opportunity for people to cycle in all the town’s between Limerick and cork?


sorry mate, i dont get you but yes less traffic is better for active travel

3 billion would pay for a lot of free e-bikes

Can you raise that at the next meeting pal.

A programme of free e-bikes and on street secure bike parking would change this country

As an aside I was talking to a colleague yesterday who mentioned a downside he found on his e-bike was that it’s heavy and speed limited and on downhill or flat roads his big issue now is other cyclists up his whole or swerving around him in the SEGREGATED bike lanes

He also said that you get cold on an ebike as not putting in the effort to get sweaty

It was certainly food for thought as I drove home in my ICE cage.


All the other towns along the route are of course fake towns, like the ones the Yanks used to setup in the desert when they were testing nukes.

1.1m journeys a year
Over 20 years thay works out at about 30 cent a journey
Charge 50 cent for a toll and the government is quid in


3bn is a lot to spend on 3000/people

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That’s a closed mindset. How many people dont drive the road because its so poor. How much more investment will towns like Charleville and Banogue get with this motorway. There could be a tech hub developed at Rourkes Cross to rival anything in the world


I’ve often thought Rourke’s Cross would be the perfect place for an electric scooter factory, if only there was the infrastructure to support it.



That’s bullshit anyway.

Cork/Limerick Motorway: Objectors to M20 plan have a raft of concerns (

Is there an anti-M24 Alliance Group yet I wonders? I don’t want no M24 going thru my fields.

NIMBYISM. We need this motorway, the foyes road and road to ringaskiddy as much as we need more bike lanes and public transport. None are exclusive of each other

At 1m.per user we really dont

Still bullshit

You pulled a figure out of your hole tbf. Of have every driven that road you would know 3000 is BS.

Funny the NIMBYISM to the road are the same folk objecting to wind turbines. They even replaced the no to wind farms signage with no to M20.

the article states the number of car journeys

The article quotes a campaigner against the motorway. There is no data to back up this claim. I, in real life and not on the Internet challenged a local campaigner who spotted this figure too, which is why I’m interested in where you got it. They said they got it off the project office. I followed up (as a spiteful person that I am). And the office said this is false and all data is available on the m20 website that I linked above.

Now as a person in Dublin tell me how do you measure the volume of traffic on that road?