The Public Transport Thread

The slow train through Wickow. There’d be lads passing you out jogging on the beach at parts of it

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Probably doesn’t make sense from Howth, Malahide or Bray. Whilst Mac put some times up there, for the most part the users from those lines get where they want to go in 30 mins or so. The majority of people coming from Bray would get off between Lansdowne and Pearse I’d say, where is often a slow down due as the Loop Line can’t handle all of that traffic.

I’d say somewhere like Greystones might be more interesting. Connected to the DART yes but it is single line, less frequent and takes longer. I’d have thought you could run a boat at a decent clip to get there in 30 odd minutes.

Perhaps I am wrong though with tides etc.

Would you not just hotspot off your phone

Coverage is dicey enough, especially in Laois and Kildare

Phone coverage can be sketchy enough. Generally seems to mirror the wifi so I’m guessing it’s some sort of 3G system.

When are the new stations in cork being built? If and when done we can eliminate one car from our house pal.

A H3 just disappeared off the schedule there. Not good enough Dublin Bus. I could have had another pint if I’d known the bus want coming.

Have you used

No what is it?

Live GPS tracking of buses.


NTA have issued a tender for the design and construction of the tunnels for Metrolink. We are on track @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.

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Eamon Eamon Eamon

Once shovels are in the ground we need to get another mega project ready for the early 2030s.

Ireland 2040 is already out of date given our sensational population growth.

Anything else needed for Dublin?

A second airport on the southside

Jusr expand Baldonnel, not many viable sites on the Southside

I think the Metrolink needs to be extended ultimately.

I would pitch stops at Herbert Park (behind Pembroke cottages thus connecting to Donnybrook/Ballsbridge), UCD, Stillorgan (Blakes Corner), The Grange and Sandyford.

Something new to be done about the South West of the City Core. If you could marry up the Poolbeg and Lucan LUAS suggestions for a heavy line going East to West of the city that would be good.

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Eamon eamon eamon

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Was there anything else good in International Railway Journal this week?


A lot of commentary about the cancelling of HS2.

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