The Public Transport Thread

Red and green line suspended due to security incident

Is this a terror attack?

Suspect packages/suspicious devices.

Bomb scare they need to investigate

Israeli revenge for Chris Andrews?

Amazing achievement by Eamonn


Will the 5 million buy chargers for the buses?

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It will allow for another feasibility assessment on the Metro and Dart+ that will recommend them being removed from future budgets


Serious coin for EY or KPMG

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wow, just wow

We used to be a proper country



Come on City.


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Worth driving into that

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy my taxi driver said they’ve already started groundworks on a metro tunnel in Blanchardstown?

They definitely have in Swords so would believe him

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I’m glad Andrei wasn’t lying to me


Chaotic scenes on the H3 there this morning. When I got on the bus it looked like there were plenty of spare seats but in fact they were taken up with the suit cases of a bunch of Spanish students on the bus who didn’t seem to know what the empty luggage rack was for. Not being particularly mild mannered I wasn’t having that so I asked one of them to move a suitcase so I could have a seat. The bus fills up, oul wans can’t get a seat (I did the gentlemanly thing), one of the cunts (male) is sprawled across two seats. I was seething. They eventually mixed up North Strand Fire Station with Amiens Street Station and all headed for the exit with their cases before realising their error and blocking up the exit meaning that fells couldn’t get off the bus.

A shambles all round and I got caught in a biblical shower when I alighted at my stop.


Bad day for buses pal. Four of them passed my wife full today and she had to walk and was late for work.

The not giving up the seats for auld wans is fucking terrible.

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