The Public Transport Thread

The oul wan I gave my seat to was blind. Two of the cunts were sitting in the handicap seats and didn’t budge.

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The little fuckers.

You’d always get a seat driving in


Update from sources at the DART+ West oral hearing.

Regarding @Spidey and his mates complaints over the stables at Ashtown.

Ashtown stables. The stable owners made fools of themselves, they looked and acted like a shower of agressive crusties, no substance in their claim at all as they’re only loosing less than 4% of their land and they were caught out lying multiple times, they’re barely affected by the project thanks to a last minute decision to route the road through land owned by a motor show room and land owned by a building supply company. The building supply company will have to cease trading as a result and the motor show room will be severely impacted but may still operate. They made a great case against the current option, pointing out the impacts to their business, employees etc all to save the Ashtown stables which frankly is a bit of a waste of space, but Leo backed the stables up (much to his regret now as they’re still not happy and they’ve been harassing his office and dumping horsesh!t at train stations in protest, so it is what it is.

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Leo is surely pro Dart West?

i lot of these things they pretend to fight for the Nimbys but in the end dont care

are they closing down the businesses to protect 4% of the land of the stables

Closing a motor show room and protecting stables, priorities in order.

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Plenty of empty spaces around any affected bidness could move to and hopefully they are fairly compensated for the inconvenience

We would need to do an assessment of the emissions of the various pieces here.

Hopefully the stables gets shut down in time regardless.

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Christ almighty. Those fuckers need the sally rod.

At today’s oil prices we can’t afford not to buy a pony.

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You’d think so but it’s his party councillors throwing in the current objections. I told Dimmy to get HQ to get the boys in line but it seems nothing has been done. Maybe orders from a central council make sense after all…

Interestingly enough I was in the company of Leo and said councillors at a separate event on Saturday night. When Dart+ was brought up, the response was ‘the project was more complex than initially envisaged’. I didn’t ask whether initially envisaged referred to election promises in the 80s or the current plans with ABP.

If not built anyway the N3 and N4 should suffice to service the mooted stadiums in west Dublin for hosting a future rubby World Cup.

The objections are done.

The various OAPs had their day out to vent about how things used to be much better. Leo and the councillors will give an airing to the selfish locals but that’s just optics.

Priority from the government is getting at least two of the heavy rail projects started before the election.

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i think the forum should have an official day of kindness to each other if shovels are in the ground for metro before the election

(currently its preparation work happening)


Excluding the far righties and awkward squad members presumably?

The negative “only in Ireland” types need to get behind these projects for the next generation’s sake.

@MountLeinster & the gang dont have it in them to be nice so agreed

Lovely suggestion.

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thanks mate, you are a great TFKer

Can we all go and bring our shovels. TFK will show support for public transport by digging in.

Id be a very happy man if you gave me a spin in the digger, i wouldnt even consider it volunteering having so much fun