The Public Transport Thread

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havent you some kids to be spitting on mate?


What’s up princess, tranny friends not available ??


I’m currently sitting on the 11.25 Cark-Dublin train on my way to a G appointment. Fabulous train. Warm, good wifi, plug at every seat, a quiet carriage for the more cerebral of us. Smugness rating is off the charts…


The train is fantastic when it is not packed and quiet


2hrs 35 i think from kent to heuston. Unbelievable.

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That’s the best train service in the country. It works well and is a nice way to travel for bidniz

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Shelters have slowly gone up (in some places) over the last few years. All city bus routes are now double deckers whereas a few years ago they were all single deckers. However I’d have preferred a fleet of single deckers running at 15 minute frequency than double deckers running at 30 minute frequency. It used to be 40 minute frequency.

Galway’s problem is there are very few streets and roads wide enough to put bus lanes on. And the bus service is completely radial. I’ve said this before but there needs to be at least one route, preferably two, which go across Quincentennial bridge and bypass town altogether. Barna and Moycullen need to be linked up to the city bus routes. A mate of mine lives up off Circular Road, he doesn’t drive. There’s no public transport up there and no shortcut down into Laurel Park. It’s a minimum 20 minute walk to the nearest bus stop and then you might be waiting half an hour. There isn’t even a footpath down into Westside. You’re taking your life in your hands every time you leave the house up there.

A Gluas would be great but it’ll never happen, this is Galway. The budgets have to be spent on shit tarmac jobs on pedestrian areas and pointless year long projects to replace roundabouts with traffic lights. Public works projects in this city have always been a disaster.

I experienced Galway traffic both morning and evening last Wednesday. Limerick is a picnic by comparison.

Google maps put me on some very strange roads.
What exactly is that black box place?

Google Maps tells you to drive past it if you’re ride on time.

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The Galway train is nice too.

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I was also on it…v quiet I thought

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Any stats for how many were fee paying passengers?

Holy shit. I’ll keep an eye out for you on the return leg this evening.

Do I’m in seat C23 call down and say hi

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Are they putting an estimate on all the scobes that use the LUAS for nothing in those numbers or are they just not included?

I think they’re including the ones on the Dart+ given
It has already been factored in that it has been delivered in residential plans

CIE reporting 35.8m journeys for 2022. thats some leap (card) if true

Eh no chance

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