The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

The EU have agreed a deal with Pfizer for 200 million more doses. 75 million to be delivered in Q2. Ireland due to get 825k in Q2.

They have also agreed a deal with Moderna for 150 million doses to be delivered in Q3 and Q4.

This will be over soon. End of June should be well on the way.

They might want to deliver the first batch doses too

EU still short of 10m Pfizer doses expected by now

The EU is still waiting for about 10m Covid-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer that were due in December, officials said, leaving it about one-third short of the supplies it had expected by now from the US company.

Reuters reports:

The delay is another blow to the EU, which has also been hit by delays in deliveries from the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca and the US company Moderna, and had also faced earlier delays on the Pfizer vaccine.

It also raises questions about the rationale of an EU vaccine export control scheme which was set up in late January to ensure timely deliveries but has not yet been activated, despite the supply shortfalls.

By the middle of last week, Pfizer had delivered to the EU 23m doses of the Covid-19 vaccine it developed with the German firm BioNTech, said an EU official who is directly involved in talks with the US company.

That was about 10m doses less than Pfizer had promised to supply by mid-February, said a second official who is also involved in the talks.

Pfizer declined to comment, saying schedules of its deliveries were confidential. The European commission did not respond to a request for comment on delivery shortfalls.

EU officials have said Pfizer committed to delivering 3.5m doses a week from the start of January, for a total of 21m shots by mid-February.

[…] [On 22 December] BioNTech said the companies would ship to the EU 12.5m doses by the end of the month. Only about 2m of those doses due in December have been delivered, according to Reuters calculations.

The shortfall would amount to about 30% of the total supplies pledged for the period from December until mid-February. One EU official said the company had committed to delivering the missing doses by the end of March.

The EU have made a hames of it

The EU negotiated such good prices that the companies won’t bother supplying them until they have higher value orders filled.

This graphic has been brought to you by the strategic culture foundation. It has a .org website so it’s definitely legit. Even if it is run by the Russian government.
For what it’s worth they should be lashing out the Russian vaccine in Europe as well. But sure the Russians can’t make enough of it for anything other than PR

Pfizer shouldn’t have bothered releasing the vaccine until they had enough produced to dose everyone. They’ve only gone and driven lads demented.

Prick Teasers!

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You don’t get it. This was a dry run for lockdowns as a policy instrument going forward. The weirdos, curtain twitchers, touts, snitches and most importantly, the twitterati lapped it up and embraced it with enthusiasm.

Get used to it.

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The deeper we go, the more media and social media influencers are demanding more restrictions…

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Yes the Climate Change one will be interesting. I’m not sure how effective it would be though given that a pandemic shut down mass mobilisations of people during 2020 and only achieved a paltry 6% reduction on emissions in Ireland in comparison to prior year.

That won’t matter. Statistics and data don’t sway the types that succumb to this type of policy - emotive messaging with a perception they’re on the ‘right side of history’ is more than enough to give up rights, spy on neighbours, with the obligatory you’re an x murderer thrown in.

Ah here lads. Wait til you hear what he thinks he can get away with now

That’s to insert the backup chip.

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I think it’s to check your back pockets

Jennifer is laughing her hoop off at yis

What do you keep in your back pockets?

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Most people are qualitative v’s quantitative. When I say most people are qualitative I am being kind but most people are not overly technical in nature and so when met with statistical data emit a blank face response. I have seen it many times over the last 12 months. Responses like Jackie down the road got it and couldn’t get out of bed for 3 months. Then you hear of someone who knew 3 people who died of it. That is quite considerable number for any circle of friends but when you explore further it is someone in work’s grandfather who had no underlying condition. Conventional media has a lot to answer for as well as social media. Even article above on Gates and 3rd vaccine. Why are people so entrusting of this captain of industry and not others. They are all not epidemiologists or doctors. What are his bona fides. It is good to be sceptical and open minded but most people have shut down that part of their brain.


The battery is shite on it, we’ll end up plugged into the wall

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Loose change