The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

You’ll be able to get a vaccine by June if you want one so long as 2/4 of the approved/to be approved deliver on promises for Q2. The timelines are cushy I reckon. J&J and Pfizer should be covering half of Europe’s population by then looking at the deliveries. The EU have ordered a rake more Moderna and they have barely given us any so far. AZ have enlisted the Indian lads to save us too.

The question from the summer on will be how many to hold back for potential variants or how many to send to the third world. If it’s the latter it will be good news, all of us newfound virologists and epidemiologists can leave that to Gerry Killeen and Sam McDonkey to worry about.


So back to normal by July?

I’ve just booked my accommodation for the Dublin show.

forget about the Dublin show

We have to have hope tossi

80k this week is the first big test. That supply is going to arrive unevenly you’d imagine so they’ll need to be able to double to 160k at least. They’ve had a perfect preparation, slow supply so plenty time to figure out logistics etc. No excuses. I think they’ll manage it. Heads will roll if they don’t. In government and HSE. Fear is a great motivator

Heads never roll in the HSE but I hope your right


Well he’d be sacked but with a million euro payoff like

More a pat on the head than a guillotine job

That would be nearly 3 million vacinnated in total. We’d almost be there.

A nice little synopsis on matters pertaining to the vaccine.

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Rte using the phrase “game changer” repeatedly today.

One of TFK’s finest achievments this @TheUlteriorMotive

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The EU have agreed a deal with Pfizer for 200 million more doses. 75 million to be delivered in Q2. Ireland due to get 825k in Q2.

They have also agreed a deal with Moderna for 150 million doses to be delivered in Q3 and Q4.

This will be over soon. End of June should be well on the way.

They might want to deliver the first batch doses too

EU still short of 10m Pfizer doses expected by now

The EU is still waiting for about 10m Covid-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer that were due in December, officials said, leaving it about one-third short of the supplies it had expected by now from the US company.

Reuters reports:

The delay is another blow to the EU, which has also been hit by delays in deliveries from the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca and the US company Moderna, and had also faced earlier delays on the Pfizer vaccine.

It also raises questions about the rationale of an EU vaccine export control scheme which was set up in late January to ensure timely deliveries but has not yet been activated, despite the supply shortfalls.

By the middle of last week, Pfizer had delivered to the EU 23m doses of the Covid-19 vaccine it developed with the German firm BioNTech, said an EU official who is directly involved in talks with the US company.

That was about 10m doses less than Pfizer had promised to supply by mid-February, said a second official who is also involved in the talks.

Pfizer declined to comment, saying schedules of its deliveries were confidential. The European commission did not respond to a request for comment on delivery shortfalls.

EU officials have said Pfizer committed to delivering 3.5m doses a week from the start of January, for a total of 21m shots by mid-February.

[…] [On 22 December] BioNTech said the companies would ship to the EU 12.5m doses by the end of the month. Only about 2m of those doses due in December have been delivered, according to Reuters calculations.

The shortfall would amount to about 30% of the total supplies pledged for the period from December until mid-February. One EU official said the company had committed to delivering the missing doses by the end of March.

The EU have made a hames of it

The EU negotiated such good prices that the companies won’t bother supplying them until they have higher value orders filled.

This graphic has been brought to you by the strategic culture foundation. It has a .org website so it’s definitely legit. Even if it is run by the Russian government.
For what it’s worth they should be lashing out the Russian vaccine in Europe as well. But sure the Russians can’t make enough of it for anything other than PR