The Racism thread

You should educate all those prisoners living next door to you

And another one! See, this is what can be achieved with a bit of coaxing from the TFK family. I’m proud of you mate. This has been a great project.

Fuck me, I love a row lads, but even I’m out of this one

Or maybe you are housed in there , which would explain certain stuff , like posting up old pictures of women in the 60s

I’m proud of you and project. Well done. This has been a great time for TFK.

You’re going around correcting a lads grammar and claiming success for a project. That’s mental.

Let’s have a critique of you shall we?

You contribute nothing of any substance to any debate, ever. You go around throwing out lines like be zen, you find something you get a few likes for and repeat that ad nauseam until you stumble on to something else. All the while you pick away at certain posters who are on your radar with dirty snide little remarks.
You’ve been doing this constantly, for years.

You give new posters an awful time, kind of like some hazing ritual. Its neither amusing nor nice.

See, I know I’m argumentative. I’m not deluded.

You seem to think you’re a nice guy. You aren’t. You’re a wanker


Police officers killed more black people in Chicago?

Have a listen to Malcolm Gladwells most recent book,talking to strangers. The whole concept of policing needs revision. Police are trained and directed to constantly stop and search and bother people. If they don’t do it theyre considered not to be doing their jobs. But with the history of harassment that can certainly cause justifiable anger and resentment in some communities, but it might not be intended as so. So what do you do, constantly stop and search,or do as little of it as possible and be accused of doing nothing?

Police,judges, politicians etc are nothing more than reflections of their societies. American society has issues with racial bias,that’s what needs to be corrected and that correction will spread to all areas. The suggestion that police are killing black people as if it’s a policy or they are paid per kill is nonsense but some believe it to be the case. But police there are on edge, trigger happy and unable to control their emotions in some cases. Training, recruitment etc can help with that but you can’t stamp out weak human reactions sometimes made with split second decisions.


Wow. This was what I was afraid of. You need to calm down. Or at the very least keep this sort of bile away from your loved ones. It’ll get better if you work at it.

Take care. We love you.

Oh yes sir , I can boogie
But I need a certain song,
I can boogie, boogie boogie
All night long


You sing that wan lovely

Start a little project on yourself

Dream a little dream of me.

I’ll have you know, I was in a school band that won the no name club schools competition two years in a row back in 86 and 87, so I was

The star were really shining bright above you.

Cant remember. I was pissed

Lads spending a Saturday afternoon bashing away at a keyboard trying to change other lads minds while being determined not to change their own minds.


I’m minding a sick kid and trying to save some fellas souls. I deserve a medal.

I’ve been to town an all so I have. Even got the meat for tomorrow’s dinner.

All from block C in the Midlands prison.