The Racism thread

Ian Wright is on telly every other week ffs. ITV during England games / Tournaments. MOTD. Sky Sports. Anyone into football would know who he is.


Yet you went off and shared his private profile on here to further embarrass him.

Not many Irish fans watch the English National teams soccer games like you I’d imagine.

I don’t mind coloured people. I don’t really know who Ian Wright is Bar being shauns dad so I’d have no idea whether I like him or not. I do understand the power of social media and I also understand in Ireland you are innocent till proven guilty so I always wait before trying to ruin people’s lives unlike tracksuit and a few more of the lads have tried here. It’s a bizarre case.

No matter what happens here even if the lad is proven to have been hacked or something his life is now ruined which isn’t very fair at all.

His life is only ruined for a few days until the next social media storm comes along. It’ll be forgotten about by next week

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What he said goes beyond stupid. The little fucking cunt should get 20 lashes of a bull whip across the back to set an example to others.


There is already a fake Instagram account in the boys name saying he’s putting up an apology video. The mob has decided he’s guilty and they want his head on a splatter. Very sad to see.

His GAA club and family/friends shouldn’t be dragged into this. If he posted those vile remarks he deserves to be taken to task by the authorities.

Disappointed to see a teacher leading the lynch mob here. Dealing with impressionable teenagers on a regular basis, you’d think he’d not rush to judgement here.

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Wrighty was on I’m a Celeb this year.

Of course every young person knows who he is.


I dont imagine anything … He’s on tv regularly… and if not tv, he’s on social media. Wasnt there a clip of him and Keane going at it not so long ago that went viral. The kid has since admitted it, so i’m not sure what your point is here.

Was he???

Forget it so.

Case closed.

The fact that younger people may not know who Wright is shouldn’t excuse the racism at any rate. It’s total deflection


people should hold fire and see what comes out of the guards interview. There is no need to rush to judgment on a case like this. Education is key then afterwards.

Whether he knows who Wright is or isn’t doesn’t make the abuse any better or worse just to be clear. It just seems really random to write to a footballer on Instagram from the 90s.

Is this fella not an adult? There’s laws on hate speech aren’t there? The gardai are investigating, if he has committed an offence then hopefully he is punished accordingly.

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He’s also innocent till proven guilty. So lads shouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions.

Exactly. The gardai are investigating, if he has committed an offence then hopefully he is punished accordingly.

As I exclusively revealed from my inside source last night, he admitted to it in Tralee Garda Station last night.

Agree boy, my 17 years old knew immediately who he was, as for the O Brien kid who made those remarks that had to be for a reaction, I know of no one under 25 who comment line him,
Know when I mutter something ref travellers etc and I do at times, he rightly corrects me