The Racism thread

Why does that seem odd?

And how do you know he immeadiately changed his profile picture and locked his account?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Why would he tell trump in 2018 to burn the Chinese :rofl:

The GAA club named for a notorious racist. You literally couldn’t make it up.

Sky Sports have been in touch with the station, I shit you not

He wouldn’t have. The image first appeared on another quite clearly fake twitter account.

It’s okay kid, we know you are only joshing us for the rise. Keep up the good work.


You’re driving us all demented, keep it up.

It’s remarkable how many middle aged
Men want to see this child’s live ruined. I presume innocence until proven guilty.

Would you make contact & offer the ladeen support?

and now the fake Instagram account.

No he needs to be surrounded by his family and friends. Sadly for him even if he is innocent his life has already been ruined by fellas like you desperately hoping he’s guilty.

Agreed, family is very important at a time like this.



Last month when you tried a similar stunt on me Getting in touch with my family was a huge help.

Are you mixing me up with someone else perhaps?

Probably that ubercunt @robertemmett

Either way @BruidheanChaorthainn owes you an apology

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Aah that takes me back!

He is