The Racism thread

Fat prince👍

5 years in prison for harassment? Any link he must have threatened life etc to even get a chance of suspended sentence not a mind custodial

Jakers they’ll be interning half of this forum so

Every family has a black sheep

Your average Kerry Muldoon aged 18 doesn’t know who Ian Wright is. I have never heard anybody use the word coon. It’s very very fishy.

His crime is akin to spitting in someones face. You may think it’s nothing, harmless hi jinx, but you have no true idea of the consequences it could have, up to and including someone elses death. A serious example need to be made here

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??? ??? GAA racists surely not :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: I’m a GAA racist v Kerry every feckin summer since I was a smallie, sick of the whures batin us

I saw this on twitter. What does this last bit mean?

Refers to FIFA Ultimate Team…

Is it like a dare?

More like Croom.


The mother had 18 years not to raise a racist dirtbag. You reap what you sow


Ah so Ronaldo destroyed Ian Wright on FIFA.

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Lashing out because of a computer game… is he retarded or just your typical 18 year old?

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Snowflake generation, innit.

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Kids raised by the current 35-55 age bracket are at a huge disadvantage. Those generations take no responsibility for their actions and have had every thing handed to them. That’ll be reflected in their children.

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His mother is 58.


Fuck remember it now, wasn’t the HSE or Tusla ( whatever they were called then) involved, tough going on the guy, read somewhere that there’s legs onto that whole affair, Garda coaching the wife etc

U got it bruv