The Racism thread

There’s no legs to it whatsoever. He got what he deserved, probably a lot less if I’m being totally honest

Parents are the problem in most cases, flippant racist throwaway remarks, you hear them all the time but ‘ah it’ll be grand shur I didn’t really mean it’. A kid growing up listening to a lifetime of this hasn’t much hope. A kid growing up listening to the ever growing number of parents who really do mean it has no hope.

You’re bigger eejits to pay any attention to the born liar here keeping this thing stoked. Ignore the rat.


I take exception to that I’m in the middle of that bracket and neither me or the Mrs have had anything handed to us. What we have we’ve worked for. Our two have been raised in the same manner and are fully aware that you have to make your own way in life.


Why would we listen to you? You discriminate against travellers on a daily basis on here. You are much worse than this child.

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Coon is a town land in North Kilkenny that forms part of the St Martins GAA club.


This fella seems to think his upbringing with cook, nanny and the stable lads was shared by the majority of lads raised in 1980s Ireland :joy:


Play the ball and not the man


Yet I turned out to be one of the most decent and right minded individuals on here. This morning you said he was 100 percent guilty. You claim to be teacher. Have you ever heard an Irish child use the word coon? The vast majority of that bracket take no responsibility for their actions and had everything handed to them. Ye are also incredibly bitter against anybody that’s successful.

He can’t play the ball so he resorts to turning it personal.

Tap tap tapping away night and day. Tap tap tap…

There was/ were other parts to it, there’s guys caught with e40, 000 worth of drugs not getting 5 years

He seems to think that my career choice precludes me from commenting at all, like racism is something that is buried within the school system, In fact it appears that he blames me for this whole situation, like I was the one who brought it to light :joy:

I’ve been very reasoned in my response to this, the young lad made a terrible decision and now he will have to face the consequences, but nobody died, it’ll all blow over but he and many others in his circle will learn a valuable lesson,
Some lad claiming he’s innocent for no other reason than he can’t know one of the great English strikers or won’t have heard the term ‘coon’ (common enough) aren’t doing him any favours

The 35–55 age group need a hand book (for free of course) with instructions on it just to be sensible.

There’s absolutely no truth in any of the allegations about the gard or the ex wife. I can’t go into any details, but he’s lucky he only got the 5

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I’m waiting for due process to take place before commenting on it. In Ireland you are innocent till proven guilty. You said he was 100 percent guilty. It’s a bizarre case and very unusual. Anybody that’s 100 percent either way is off their tree.

That’s good enough for me :+1:

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Brilliant! As the King Rat Toni Felloni* said, ‘If you think we’re bad, wait till you see what’s coming after us…’.

  • I’ve heard this attributed to many criminal scumbags.
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Your man drinks in Kerry twice a year so he feels the need to defend this racist out of some sense of shared identity

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Hopefully this next recession wakes people up a little and we remember what’s important. Our friends, family and helping the less fortune. If we could all do a little bit more for our fellow people the world would be a better place. The full facts haven’t been presented in this case so people shouldn’t rush to judgment. I’m sure it’ll be clearer this time tomorrow.