The Racism thread

I’m in Kerry most weeks but it’s nothing to do with where he’s from. That’s surely irrelevant in my opinion.

I have spoken-------+mandolorian

The rules of evidence don’t apply in the court of public opinion

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I hope the lad is ok. Wright should have gone to the police first before sharing the images. He’s ruined his life even if the young lad is innocent.

Here mate. You’re very exercised by this, do you think it’s possible at all that somebody could dig up evidence of a time when you drew assumptions of somebodies guilt before all the facts were known, what do you think??


Yes but I’ve learned from my mistakes. Ye are all much older than me so surely should know better at this stage. It annoyed me deeply that you said he was 100 guilty. You’ve fellas piling in on this chap With out knowing the facts yet few say anything about myboyblues discrimination of travellers on here. It’s very frustrating.

I’ll be honest, when I saw the apology I assumed that it came from the lad himself, I’m a bit of an old innocent when it comes to that sort of thing, ironically you might say but I try to see the best in people, the thoughts of somebody setting up an account to apologise and the motivation to do so just doesn’t register with me

So I withdraw the 100% bit

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Well being honest I’m happy to read that. Just for example If this was a child you teached and you knew his character there is no way you’d presume he was guilty imo. You don’t know this person or his family so I don’t think people should comment. I think it’s very very fishy. The twitter stuff is bullshit but that doesn’t mean he’s innocent either it should be added. Enjoy the rest of your day.

More lies

Back in the summer of covid one nine

He only said what we’ve all said or thought.

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True, but we’re not leafeating cannuck gobshites

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This is the way

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Haha v good, brilliant show

I’d say you’ll get good mileage out of this 35 to 55 thing.

I could knock six or seven months out of it I reckon.

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Wouldn’t mind anything Bryan Adams says. The same fella bought a pub in London years ago and promptly closed it down. He lived nearby and people leaving at night made noise. Album after was calling Waking up the neighbours or some shite like that.

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I bet that cuts like a knife.


Speak for yourself you racist homophobe.

That story about the lad in Kerry disappeared quickly.

What’s the story here, just watched this video which appears to be huge today on twitter, haven’t read the comments, why is the guy filming in the first place, is she doing something she shouldn’t with the dog???