The Racism thread

Against the law to leave a dog off its leash in there… He’s a bird spotter or something weird like that and asked her to put the dog on the leash … she went bananas and tried to have the police kill him.

She has since been suspended from work.

From what the man behind the camera posted on twitter…She had her dog off the leash in an area where your dog has to be kept on a leash. The man approached and told her this. She told him to mind his own business. He then took dog treats out of his pocket (which he says he carries for situations like this) to get the dog to go to him. She began to freak out. The rest is whats seen on camera. She attempted to get him murdered by the police is the general gist of the commentary on Twitter.

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She’s a #Karen. Like her dog Twitter was unleashed

I have no sympathy for her, she was nearly strangling that poor dog.

Animal lovers are mental cases.


To ask a serious question of this very serious forum, this lady worked for an insurance company and has now lost her job. What are the forum’s thoughts on this? Is this a fair and proportionate punishment?

She invented a story about a man threatening her life and immediately used his race against him to make her lies more of a threat. She was seriously endangering his safety and reputation, she knew exactly what she was at. She’d be a devious lying employee anyway, so I think it’s fair enough that she got sacked.

I’m highly aware however that a few decades ago people were getting sacked from jobs for having affairs or being queer or whatever and now I’m part of the moral majority that goes around hounding the immoral people. The more it changes the more it stays the same.


She’s one of those nuts animal people. She should be sent for professional help.

That lad carries dog treats around in his pocket for just such occasions which I find extremely weird behaviour. She’s been taught a severe lesson anyway. I don’t have any sympathy for her but the reactions on twitter is insane. As usual.


I doubt this lying racist dog abusing insurance stiff is a fair comparison to losing your job for being gay.

The yanks are odd though, you can be sacked for sleeping with a work colleague, a situation that would have this countrys dole figure twice as bad as they already are


Christmas partys would be a serious cull for the workforce

We’re not as far removed from Salem as we think.

Once the mob mobilizes against you, you are in trouble. US employment at will laws make it easy to be fired.

The silence from @Declan_Moffat is deafening

A slaver from Brolly’s hometown.


You’d wonder why yer wan with the dog felt so entitled wouldn’t you

That’s murder right there. Unbelievable. There’s going to be trouble on the streets over that. Those two cops should be stoned to death.

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All part of the Trump doctrine

That actually happened a while back. Four of the police officers involved were fired today. I presume murder/involuntary manslaughter charges will follow

It happens all the time bro

I was referring to this particular incident