The Racism thread

Close your hole you clown with your Trump doctrine. Fuck all to do with Trump.

Standard reactionary comment from your standard Trump voter here I see

You’re a fool.


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Only farmers

No it’s not fair and proportionate. I think she should get a criminal conviction, maybe not jail time but a fine and a lengthy dose of community service as well as losing her job would have been fair and proportionate.

Stoned to death :+1: will we skin them first and boil them before we stone them .?

I see Johnny Arse is supporting her. A completely human reaction to a busy-body.

She acted like a cunt, she can have little complaint in how that worked out for her.

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Imagine that fat arse trying to throw a punch?



I’ve seen it happen, he beat up my mate one day.

One day in the Sem me and the lads are hanging in a classroom before class. Johnny Arse is a year above us and we see him walking past outside. My friend shouts out “Johnny Arse!” Because that’s Johnny Arse’s name. Turns out Johnny Arse is a karate black-box and comes running in and kicks the shit of my mate. Johnny Arse is a complete fucking bollocks, he was the most hated cunt in all of the Sem. He was a FFer at the time. One day somebody put a FG sticker on his locker as a joke and he went running to the principal Padraig Duffy, balling crying.


Paschal donoghue got dogs in our school. He was a master debater but had an awful lisp. “Passsssssschal” rang out many times throughout the schoolyard but he took it on the soft chin and continued to win every debating contest going v rival schools.


I couldnt believe how odd POD sounded when I heard him first, he absolutely has to be queer. I was going to finish with “he’s probably nice enough” but then I remembered he’s a politician.

I’d have reservations about the whirlwind she has reaped over a few ill considered words myself mate.

A whirlwind entirely of her own making. Words are extremely dangerous, especially the ones she used in the manner she used them.

I’ll let someone smarter than me explain how these things usually go

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Ah stop. She tried to get a guy arrested at the very minimum. She made false accusations that he assaulted her. She put on a hysterical female voice and reported that he was an African American man threatening her safety, with all the connotations that has for police coming in heavy handed without asking questions, she was making a very calculated threat to him there. This is america, they might well have turned up and shot him. What she did was very very nasty and should merit a prosecution in my book.

Was he not African American?

You’ve gone too far here glas. I’m pretty sure the female part of her voice was real.