The Racism thread

It’s right up there with getting a lad you play COD against SWATTED. American cops are deranged paramilitary psychos.

Have you seen the video of this poor bastard playing twister at gunpoint for his life and losing.

Christ, glas has to show up and fanny all over everything


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A lot of fat people in that video.

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I didn’t hear her say he assaulted her. If she did, she deserves to be prosecuted.

She told the cops that he was threatening her, she told him she was going to say that he was “threatening her life”.

He did say to her prior to the recording that “if she was going to do what she wanted hed do what he wanted and she wouldn’t like it.” In her mind she may have construed that as a threat.


The dog looked threatened. #ibelievethedog

A dog wouldnt act like that unless it felt threatened.

Scummy and all as she behaved, (and it was fair shit what she done), the hound her til she throws herself off a bridge brigade are out in full force.


The truth about it all is some cop will get payback on this dude .

I absolutely get what you’re saying but her behavior is so completely reprehensible that once this footage emerged it was unstoppable, this not a modern society problem, it’s the technology that allows it to be shared and commented so readily, no right thinking person can condone her behavior, though a few edgebots here will try, God help her now though

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Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites

I dont think ive seen anyone condone her behaviour. You’re right that what she said and did was reprehensible but it is possible to not condone her actions but feel unease at the response. The online world is very Manichean. And as well you know thats not the reality.

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What about the response is there to feel uneasy about? She was fired which seems fair what else happened after that?

I think that what she did should constitute an offence that she should get a good dose of community service at minimum for.

The level of hate and vitriol. People wishing she would kill herself. She obviously was bang out of order. The fella involved has already said himself he thinks the pile on was over the top.

What kind of community service do you think would be suitable? At least you don’t want to see her flogged in the public square (just the virtual one).

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People make huge mistakes, sometimes they end up in manslaughter convictions, mostly nobody sees or cares,
This woman fucked up royally and showed herself up to be a detestable human, the consequences of what she was threatening the chap with could have been dreadful for him in other circumstances,
Maybe she’s mentally ill, if not it’s just so hard to have any sympathy for her, the way she played the race card was just disgusting.